Quests> The Order of an Eokad

ID: 9429
Hereafter Rebellion
The Order of an Eokad
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Forbidden Memories"


NPC:/fury If you are telling the truth, then there must be a good reason for the Eokad Council to take such drastic measures.

NPC:/fury But I can't help and feel disheartened at this outcome. Aeon might be my only chance to learn more about what happened to Aranzeb after his death.

NPC:/dialogue Then just demand the memorist to restore whatever she can anyway.

NPC:It is not wise to go against the rulings of the Eokad Council.

NPC:/dialogue But aren't you one of them too? So what you're saying counts, regardless of what the memorist thinks.

NPC:/scratch This sounds a bit like abuse of power if you ask me...

NPC:/haha No one asked for your opinion on this matter, Isan. Belion is like hundreds of years old, I'm sure he can make his own decision.

NPC:/sigh Don't call him hundreds of years old... that sounds so rude.

NPC:/surprise But it's true! How old exactly are you, Belion? 100? 200? Maybe 400 years old?

NPC:/sigh You are right, that I could demand Memorist Neila to restore Aeon's memory regardless of the rule.

NPC:If this memory is too much for an average Elf to bear, perhaps you could learn what happened, @PC_NAME(0) and report back to me?


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Talk to Memorist Neila in the Windswept Ruins in Gweonid Forest.


NPC:/question @PC_NAME(0), back so soon? May I introduce you to the honorable Ehnoïr.

NPC:/curious We have met before. Good to see you again, @PC_NAME(0). I apologize for my rather ridiculous outfit, I came here straight from the Noryette Challenge.

NPC:/sigh I assume you have heard the rumors of Belion's most recent discovery? I have informed him that the restoration of Aeon's memory is strictly forbidden.

NPC:/dialogue If it was indeed restricted by the Eokad Council, then there's good reason for it.


Talk to NPC

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Talk to Disguised Ehnoïr in the Windswept Ruins in Gweonid Forest.


You:About that... Belion said to order you to restore the memory for me. He believes my mind to be strong enough for this.

NPC:/shrug He ordered it? As an elder of the Eokad Council it certainly is within his rights to do so.

NPC:/dialogue I can't deny that I'm rather curious myself as well. Memorist Neila, what do you think of this idea?

NPC:/sigh I don't think it is wise, but as you said, it is Belion's right to request the restoration anyway. If you were to approve of this as well, honorable Ehnoïr, I see no option but to obey.

NPC:/scratch I hear your concerns, but also understand Belion's desire to potentially learn more about Aranzeb. Nothing would make us happier, than to avenge him and know he is at peace.

NPC:/dialogue If it is of any consolation, I agree with Belion's assessment that @PC_NAME(0)'s mind is likely strong enough to bear the memory.

NPC:/sigh Of course this still feels somewhat reckless to me, but in this case I approve of Belion's request.

NPC:/dialogue I see my own mind fit to face this journey as well, so I will stay. I believe you as memorist to be able to handle it too, Neila?

NPC:/nod Indeed. With your approval, honorable Ehnoïr, I shall now prepare the ritual.

NPC:/dialogue Go ahead, @PC_NAME(0) and I are ready.

NPC:/point Very well...


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