Quests> Forbidden Memories

ID: 9428
Hereafter Rebellion
Forbidden Memories
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "The Elf of the Reminiscent Marsh"


NPC:/shakes @PC_NAME(0), it is unacceptable for me to continue talking to Aeon without knowing how to properly address him.

NPC:/point Please travel to the Windswept Ruins in the Gwenoid Forest and tell Memorist Neila to help me learn more about Aeon's past.

NPC:/dialogue The fact that I've never heard of him is highly suspicious, but our memorists are very capable and might be able to help.

NPC:/point I will return to the Golden Fable Harbor for now, but please let me know what you find out.


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Talk to Memorist Neila in the Windswept Ruins in Gweonid Forest.


NPC:/surprise Hello there. Belion sent you to help you find out more about an Elf called Aeon?

NPC:/dialogue It is true that memorists have the ability to restore forgotten memories, but in this case I can absolutely not do that.

NPC:/sigh I don't know the reasons, but it is known amongst us memorists, that the restoration of Aeon's memory is strictly forbidden.

NPC:/dialogue It is rumored that not long after our king was murdered and Dahuta destroyed the land of our ancestors, the Eokad Council declared this rule.

NPC:You see, with our last true king gone, the Eokad Council was established to make all important decisions on behalf of our people.

NPC:/no Belion will probably know better why such a rule came to be.

NPC:/dialogue My best guess, is that Aeon's memory is too much for us Elves to bare. Unless you're an Elf yourself, it's hard to understand.

NPC:/prayer Our memories don't just tell us the stories of what happened to someone, they also convey the exact emotions those people felt.

NPC:/no It is as though you were there yourself and felt everything those people felt as well, so particular memories can only be processed by very strong minds.


Talk to NPC

Stage summary:

Talk to Belion at the Golden Fable Harbor in Sanddeep.


NPC:/dialogue Welcome back! What did Memorist Neila tell you about Aeon?

You:Memorist Neila said it's forbidden to restore the memories of Aeon. Apparently the Eokad Council decided that a long time ago.

NPC:Forbidden? By the Eokad Council?


Report to NPC