> Battle Pets
ID | Icon | Name | Grade | Group | Category |
23695 |
White Wolfhound | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
23696 |
Black Wolfhound | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
24995 |
Captured Wanderer | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
25027 |
Captured Daruda | Arcane | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
25028 |
Captured Tarian | Arcane | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
25029 |
Captured Harrod | Arcane | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
25030 |
Captured Flamelord | Arcane | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
25031 |
Grathax | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
25033 |
Captured Windlord | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
25037 |
Akanun | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
20134 |
Brown Wolfhound | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
46096 |
Wrapped Black Bloomfang | Basic | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
46139 |
Wrapped Pygmy Fiend | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
46449 |
Little Witch | Arcane | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
46519 |
Wrapped Little Witch | Arcane | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
46619 |
Ellam | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
47181 |
Marvelous Mab | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
47259 |
Brown Shiba Inu | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
47260 |
Black Shiba Inu | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
47489 |
Wrapped Marvelous Mab | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
47502 |
Blobby | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
47655 |
Forest Fairy | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
47659 |
Wrapped Blobby | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
47663 |
Miroir Penguin | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
47707 |
Butterfly | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
43670 |
Conker's Cube | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
43688 |
Detective Corgi | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
43701 |
Cowboy Corgi | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
44009 |
Wrapped Conker's Cube | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
44469 |
Kindled Spirit | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
44591 |
Narayana Chow Chow | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
44592 |
Fiesta Chow Chow | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
44593 |
Royal Chow Chow | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
44618 |
Wrapped Kindled Spirit | Basic | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
44944 |
Fledgling Phoenix | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
45279 |
Wrapped Fledgling Phoenix | Basic | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
45317 |
Golden Corgi | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
45318 |
Dreamwinder | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
45427 |
Black Bloomfang | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
45623 |
Wrapped Dreamwinder | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
45678 |
7-Day Peeper Pot | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
45780 |
Pygmy Fiend | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
45901 |
Dreamwinder (10 days) | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
45903 |
Ale Sprite Soulstone | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
45904 |
Ember Nymph Soulstone | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
41741 |
Hedgealope Thornboar | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
41742 |
Steelspine Thornboar | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
41743 |
Leafcrusher Thornboar | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
41744 |
Mini-Miner Nanobot | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
41745 |
Amethyst Mini-Miner | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
41746 |
Ruby Mini-Miner | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
42331 |
Ember Nymph | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
42332 |
Ale Sprite | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
42375 |
Trial Narayana Squire | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
42506 |
Wrapped 10-Day Lavaspark | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
42507 |
Lavaspark (10 days) | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
42520 |
Ember Nymph Soulstone | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
42521 |
Ale Sprite Soulstone | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
42636 |
Hellhound | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
42669 |
Wrapped Hellhound | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
42811 |
Welsh Corgi | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
42812 |
Pilot Corgi | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
42813 |
Pirate Corgi | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
42814 |
Inbread Corgi | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
42909 |
Moonsand Fox | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
42975 |
Razer Snek | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
43136 |
Peeper Pot | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
43160 |
Moonsand Fox (30 Days) | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
43209 |
Wrapped Peeper Pot | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
43214 |
Crater Cub | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
43215 |
Ebonfur Cub | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
43322 |
Violet Bloomfang | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
43444 |
Wrapped Violet Bloomfang | Basic | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
43451 |
Chow Chow | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
28434 |
Arctic Kitsu Whistle | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
28512 |
Bloodclaw Ursun | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
28754 |
Polaris Ursun | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
28755 |
Ebonfur Ursun | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
30263 |
Celestial Fleetwing Foal | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
39363 |
Autumn Greenman Plushie Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
39375 |
Wrapped Lavaspark | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
39987 |
Midnight Kitsu Whistle | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
39988 |
Woodland Kitsu Whistle | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
40528 |
Airseer Storybook | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
40529 |
Mountcaller Storybook | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
40530 |
Firespeaker Storybook | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
41081 |
Grumpytree | Rare | Battle Pets | Pets |
41198 |
Narayana Squire | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
41231 |
Wrapped Narayana Squire | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
41341 |
Grim Reaver | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
41382 |
Wrapped Grim Reaver | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
25043 |
Rainbow Ostrich | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
25084 |
Arak | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
25085 |
Captured Forest Spirit | Grand | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
25120 |
Tabby Sabrefang | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
25217 |
Seal-Point Sabrefang | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
25218 |
Black Sabrefang | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
25219 |
Striped Sabrefang | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
25222 |
Calico Sabrefang | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
25969 |
Wolfhound Pup Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
25970 |
Sabrefang Cub Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26739 |
Yata Calf Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26740 |
Black Yata Calf Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26741 |
Palomino Yata Calf pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26742 |
Striped Yata Calf Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26803 |
Green Elk Calf Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26804 |
Violet Elk Calf Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26805 |
White Elk Calf Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26807 |
Browntail Leomorph Cub Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26808 |
Blacktail Leomorph Cub Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26809 |
Whitetail Leomorph Cub Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26810 |
Lilyut Foal Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26811 |
Black Lilyut Foal Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26812 |
Brown Lilyut Foal Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26813 |
Gray Lilyut Foal Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26814 |
Dun Lilyut Foal Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26815 |
Appaloosa Lilyut Foal Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26816 |
Alabaster Lilyut Foal Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26817 |
Gray Donkey Foal Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26818 |
Black Donkey Foal Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26819 |
Brown Donkey Foal Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26820 |
White Donkey Foal Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26830 |
Sandmane Snowlion Cub Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26831 |
Coalmane Snowlion Cub Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26833 |
Snowmane Snowlion Cub Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
26910 |
Wisdom Tree Pet | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
26911 |
Greenman Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
27149 |
Tamed Twinhead Viper | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
27150 |
Tamed Blackscale Corps Deceiver | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
27882 |
Sea Turtle Pet | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
35580 |
Pirate Plushie Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
36154 |
Daru Plushie Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
36217 |
Cow Plushie Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
34017 |
Narayana Plushie Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
34293 |
Greenman Plushie Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
34850 |
Cottage Plushie Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
34981 |
Lavaspark | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
38362 |
Seal-Point Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38363 |
Witchy Seal-Point Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38364 |
Inbox Seal-Point Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38365 |
Pirate Seal-Point Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38366 |
Black Cat Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38367 |
Witchy Black Cat Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38368 |
Inbox Black Cat Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38369 |
Pirate Black Cat Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38370 |
Calico Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38371 |
Witchy Calico Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38372 |
Inbox Calico Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38373 |
Pirate Calico Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38374 |
Gray Tabby Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38375 |
Witchy Gray Tabby Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38376 |
Inbox Gray Tabby Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38377 |
Pirate Gray Tabby Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38378 |
Orange Tabby Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38379 |
Witchy Orange Tabby Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38380 |
Inbox Orange Tabby Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38381 |
Pirate Orange Tabby Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38382 |
Gray Wolfhound Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38383 |
Courageous Gray Wolfhound Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38384 |
Milkman Gray Wolfhound Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38385 |
Hotdog Gray Wolfhound Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38386 |
Brown Yata Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38387 |
Messenger Brown Yata Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38388 |
Pacified Brown Yata Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38389 |
Red Hood Brown Yata Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38390 |
Green Elk Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38391 |
Sheepish Green Elk Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38392 |
Pink Hat Green Elk Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
38393 |
Mouse Hat Green Elk Housepet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
48358 |
Wrapped Forest Fairy | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
48416 |
Wrapped Butterfly | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
48648 |
Chadwick the Bold | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
48805 |
Wrapped Miroir Penguin | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
48807 |
Wrapped Miroir Penguin | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
48936 |
Black Fledgling Phoenix | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
48952 |
Tamed Falls Skyfin | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
49019 |
7-Day Violet Bloomfang | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
49229 |
30-Day Violet Bloomfang | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
49230 |
30-Day Kindled Spirit | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
49231 |
30-Day Fledgling Phoenix | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
49232 |
30-Day Marvelous Mab | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
49233 |
30-Day Blobby | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
49234 |
30-Day Forest Fairy | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
49291 |
Wrapped Chadwick the Bold | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
49431 |
Balloon Corgi | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
49437 |
Farmer Hedgie | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
49623 |
Wrapped Black Fledgling Phoenix | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
49658 |
Wisp | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
49674 |
Powerstone Pumpkin | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
49753 |
Butler Hedgie | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
49754 |
Chef Hedgie | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
50181 |
Snowflake | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
50305 |
Golden Arowana | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
50306 |
Blue Arowana | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
50307 |
Red Arowana | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
50380 |
Wrapped Wisp | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
50523 |
Noble Pink Fish | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
50524 |
Noble Sturgeon | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
50710 |
Wrapped Powerstone Pumpkin | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
50792 |
Oskmir | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
51083 |
Wrapped Oskmir | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
51088 |
Billy the Moo | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
51100 |
Wrapped Snowflake | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
51546 |
30-Day Ellam | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
51570 |
Wrapped Snowflake | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
51604 |
Wrapped Billy the Moo | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
51605 |
Wolpertinger | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
51665 |
Lotty | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
51726 |
Akrabe | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
51758 |
Billy the Moo | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
51759 |
Chadwick the Bold | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
51760 |
Little Witch | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
51761 |
Pygmy Fiend | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
51762 |
Dreamwinder | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
51763 |
Hellhound | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
51764 |
Narayana Squire | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
51765 |
Grim Reaver | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
51766 |
Wisp | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
51767 |
Forest Fairy | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
51768 |
Blobby | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
51769 |
Marvelous Mab | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
51770 |
Fledgling Phoenix | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
51815 |
Baby Panda | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
51836 |
Oskmir Pass | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
51841 |
Crowd | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
51948 |
Wrapped Lotty | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
52015 |
Wreath Sprite Silica | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
52185 |
Wrapped Crowd | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
52243 |
Wrapped Akrabe | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
52257 |
Akrabe | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
52341 |
Lizzie | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
52387 |
30-Day Akrabe | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
52389 |
Sheepie | Rare | Battle Pets | Pets |
52606 |
Kid Arcanist Greenman | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
52607 |
Wrapped Wreath Sprite Silica | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
52654 |
30-Day Marvelous Mab | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
52817 |
Dream Clock Sleepy | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
52877 |
Wrapped Kid Arcanist Greenman | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
52895 |
Wrapped Dream Clock Sleepy | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
53133 |
Leafpile Greenman | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
53260 |
Rammidri | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
53365 |
Rammidri | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
53366 |
Wrapped Rammidri | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
53380 |
Striker | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
53525 |
Ill Tempered Baku | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
53526 |
Wrapped Ill Tempered Baku | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
53534 |
Ill Tempered Baku | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
53539 |
Wrapped Striker | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
53567 |
Modified Bomber Golem | Grand | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
53568 |
White Star Rotanev | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
53577 |
Modified Assault Golem | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
53615 |
Mischievous Rudolph | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
53768 |
바인루나 | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
53774 |
White Star Rotanev | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
53775 |
Wrapped White Star Rotanev | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
53822 |
Wrapped Mischievous Rudolph | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
53893 |
바인루나 | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
53894 |
포장된 바인루나 | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
53907 |
올란드 | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
54053 |
포장된 올란드 | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8000086 |
Drumstick | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
8000239 |
Lavaspark | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8000511 |
Woodland Kitsu Whistle | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8000512 |
Midnight Kitsu Whistle | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8000606 |
Sheepie | Rare | Battle Pets | Pets |
8000686 |
Leafpile Greenman | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8000819 |
30-Day Wisdom Tree Pet | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8000967 |
Narayana Squire | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8001009 |
Wrapped Narayana Squire | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8001087 |
Wrapped Lavaspark | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8001421 |
Mirage Lavaspark | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8001431 |
Hellhound | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8001432 |
Drumstick | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
8001518 |
Grim Reaver | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8001721 |
Welsh Corgi | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
8001722 |
Pilot Corgi | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
8001723 |
Pirate Corgi | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
8001724 |
Inbread Corgi | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
8001732 |
Razer Snek | Arcane | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8001817 |
Crater Cub | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
8001818 |
Ebonfur Cub | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
8001881 |
Wrapped Crater Cub | Arcane | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8001937 |
Violet Bloomfang | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
8001940 |
Wrapped Violet Bloomfang | Rare | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
8001984 |
Wrapped Moonsand Fox | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8002047 |
Welsh Sherlock Corgi | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
8002048 |
Welsh Sheriff Corgi | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
8002053 |
Mysterious Conker's Cube | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
8002054 |
Wrapped Mysterious Conker's Cube | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8002144 |
Kindled Spirit | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
8002145 |
Wrapped Kindled Spirit | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
8002198 |
Wrapped Hellhound | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8002240 |
7-Day Lavaspark | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8002441 |
Fledgling Phoenix | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
8002442 |
Wrapped Fledgling Phoenix | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8002470 |
Dreamwinder | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8002477 |
Wrapped Dreamwinder | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8002498 |
Wrapped Black Bloomfang | Rare | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
8002499 |
Golden Corgi | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
8002609 |
Wrapped Kindled Spirit | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
8002732 |
Wrapped Violet Bloomfang | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
8002733 |
Wrapped Black Bloomfang | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
8002809 |
Wrapped Fledgling Phoenix | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
8002829 |
Wrapped Grim Reaver | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8002843 |
15-Day Narayana Squire | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8002859 |
Wrapped Ebonfur Cub | Arcane | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
8002886 |
30-Day Wrapped Black Bloomfang | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
8002887 |
30-Day Black Bloomfang | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
8002907 |
Faded Bloomfang | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
8003575 |
Butterfly | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
8003629 |
Wrapped Butler Hedgie | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
8003630 |
Wrapped Chef Hedgie | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
8003631 |
Wrapped Farmer Hedgie | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
8003654 |
Farmhand Customization: Forest Fairy | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9000018 |
Wrapped Lavaspark | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000020 |
Wrapped Sea Turtle Pet | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000021 |
Wrapped Drumstick | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000026 |
Wrapped Lord Cottontail | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000062 |
Wrapped Hellhound | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000078 |
Narayana Squire 7 days | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000080 |
Tamed Twinhead Viper 7 days | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000242 |
Mechanical Wolf F17 | Divine | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000244 |
Wrapped Mechanical Wolf F17 | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000303 |
Moon Owl's Golden Bell | Legendary | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000353 |
Little White Rabbit | Heroic | Battle Pets | Pets |
9000414 |
Golem's Soul Shard | Epic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000415 |
Arcan's Soul Shard | Epic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000422 |
Wrapped Arcan's Soul Shard | Epic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000423 |
Iola's Soul Shard | Epic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000583 |
Lavaspark (30 days) | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000639 |
SnowBro | Heroic | Battle Pets | Pets |
9000715 |
Azazel | Celestial | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000716 |
Moloch | Divine | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000725 |
Abbadon | Celestial | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000795 |
Mechanical Wolf F17 (5 days) | Divine | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000844 |
Azazel (10 days) | Celestial | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000872 |
Lucky Buddy | Heroic | Battle Pets | Pets |
9000910 |
Iola's Soul Shard (7 days) | Epic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000911 |
Golem's Soul Shard (7 days) | Epic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000948 |
Golem's Soul Shard (1 Day) | Epic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000949 |
Arcan's Soul Shard (1 Day) | Epic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000950 |
Wrapped Arcan's Soul Shard (1 Day) | Epic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000953 |
Mechanical Wolf F17 (1 Day) | Divine | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9000954 |
Moon Owl's Golden Bell (1 Day) | Legendary | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9001082 |
Red Dragon Wisp | Heroic | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9001087 |
Orange Dragon Wisp | Heroic | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9001088 |
Blue Dragon Wisp | Heroic | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9001089 |
Red Dragon Pet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9001090 |
Flying Red Dragon Pet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9001091 |
Players Dragon Pet | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9001157 |
Peeper Pot (30 days) | Arcane | Battle Pets | Pets |
9001177 |
Wrapped Black Bloomfang | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9001379 |
Midnight Owl | Rare | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9001380 |
Cave Bat | Rare | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9001677 |
Wrapped Violet Bloomfang | Rare | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9001678 |
Wrapped Kindled Spirit | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9001708 |
Crimson Witch | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9001755 |
Scarlet Dreamwinder | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9001756 |
Wrapped Scarlet Dreamwinder | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9002001 |
7-Day Cave Bat | Rare | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9002002 |
7-Day Midnight Owl | Rare | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9002021 |
Scarlet Dreamwinder (30 days) | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9002022 |
Dreamwinder (30 days) | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9002046 |
Wrapped Black Fledgling Phoenix | Basic | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9002151 |
Life Fairy | Heroic | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9002152 |
Sunset Fairy | Heroic | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9002153 |
Autumn Fairy | Heroic | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9002154 |
Nature Fairy | Heroic | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9002155 |
Mist Fairy | Heroic | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9002315 |
Violet Bloomfang (7 days) | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9002398 |
Wrapped Mysterious Conker's Cube | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9002399 |
Mysterious Conker's Cube | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9002404 |
Wrapped Moonsand Fox | Rare | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9002483 |
Wrapped Kindled Spirit | Basic | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9003034 |
Wrapped Violet Bloomfang | Rare | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9003087 |
Alikit's Crystal Tear | Arcane | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9003099 |
Alikit's Crystal Tear (30 days) | Arcane | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9003152 |
Wrapped Chef Hedgie | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9003153 |
Wrapped Butler Hedgie | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9003154 |
Wrapped Farmer Hedgie | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9003342 |
Imani | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9003343 |
Wrapped Imani | Rare | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9003345 |
Wrapped Alikit | Arcane | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9003417 |
Wisp | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9003418 |
Wrapped Wisp | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9003429 |
Drumstick | Basic | Battle Pets | Pets |
9003453 |
Imani (30 days) | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9003490 |
Wrapped Snowflake | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9003537 |
Wrapped Lotty | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9003660 |
Wrapped Crowd | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9003678 |
Cow Plushie Pet (30 days) | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9003681 |
Billy the Moo (30 days) | Basic | Battle Pets | Battle Pet |
9003687 |
Amiable Moomoo | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9003688 |
Amiable Moomoo (30 days) | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9003740 |
Wrapped Akrabe | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9003825 |
White Star Rotanev (30 days) | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9003826 |
Ill Tempered Baku (30 days) | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9003827 |
Rammidri (30 days) | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9003859 |
Wrapped Rammidri | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9003887 |
Wrapped Ill Tempered Baku | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9003932 |
Wrapped Amiable Moomoo | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |
9003960 |
Wrapped White Star Rotanev | Arcane | Battle Pets | Powerstone Pet |