Quests> Aeon and Xeonis

ID: 9430
Hereafter Rebellion
Aeon and Xeonis
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "The Order of an Eokad"


NPC:/sigh I am ready to begin the ritual. Whatever we learn here, must not be shared with anyone other than Belion, understood?

NPC:/dialogue I agree. Let's keep this knowledge between us. What about your assistants, will they be able to handle this task?

NPC:/prayer As soon as we begin the ritual, they will be in a deep trance that blocks out all their senses.

NPC:/dialogue They will not see, hear or feel anything that is happening here, so there's no need to worry about them.

NPC:/prayer Now then. Begin the chanting, memorists!


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Talk to Memorist Neila in the Windswept Ruins of the Gweonid Forest, to restore the memory.


NPC:/point Seems like one of Aeon's most defining memories is showing itself to us.

NPC:/kneel Aeon, your humble servant has returned. I carried out your order.

NPC:Well done, Xeonis. You have done a wonderful deed for these people.

NPC:/think So this is Aeon... he is filled with joy and determination. But also a great deal of sadness, anger and desperation.

NPC:/agree Soon our good work will come to an end. I am honored to be a servant to our kin and bring everyone peace at last.

NPC:I am grateful for all your help and as soon as our duties are done, you are also granted the sweet salvation of death.

NPC:/dialogue What are those two doing? I can feel such great sense of righteousness from Aeon, yet they speak of death.

NPC:/shh I can feel their pain and suffering... they carry such a great burden. Is this what it felt like to lose Aranzeb?

NPC:/happy Honorable Aeon, when your sword pierces through me, and my sword pierces through you, we will finally be released from all this pain.

NPC:/surprise Are they contemplating... suicide?!

NPC:/surprise ...

NPC:I don't think I can bear this much longer... this intense mix of emotions.

NPC:/suffer What they are doing, truly feels like it's just and the only right way.

NPC:/point But at the same time, I sense this great amount of madness.

NPC:/sigh Malicious, soul eating madness, from both of them.

NPC:/prayer It fills me with pride to know that we are the ones releasing all Elves of their pain and suffering. All the agony they feel... it will soon all be gone.

NPC:/happy There is nothing sweeter for our kin, than to be able to join our king in the Hereafter and finally be truly happy again.

NPC:/agony Yes, we will leave this horrible world behind and find joy again. Once all Elves who suffer are killed, we can claim our rightful place on Aranzeb's side.

NPC:/nod I long for that day... I shall head out at once and continue our work.

NPC:/sigh You must be tired, Xeonis, but we can't rest until our duty is done.

NPC:/cry For our king, Aranzeb and for the good of our people, we mustn't rest until it is done.

NPC:Yes, honorable Aeon. We will see this through to the very end.

NPC:/dialogue And kill anyone who dares to oppose us, nothing must stop our sacred duty.

NPC:/kneel As you wish. They too will be filled with such joy, when they get to see our king in the Hereafter.

NPC:/dialogue ...

NPC:/fury That's enough, stop it, before my mind can't handle it anymore. Stop!

NPC:No surprise the Eokad Council restricted all memories of Aeon... he was utterly insane!

NPC:/sigh I agree, if anyone was to ever remember this complex range of emotions... it might turn them insane as well.

NPC:/dialogue I'm glad we're in agreeance about this. Aeon and Xenois were out there, killing every Elf that was in pain over the loss of our king.

NPC:/dialogue They truly believed that they were fulfilling their duty and helping their victims. I felt this great sense of rightfulness the entire time.

NPC:/sigh @PC_NAME(0), I hope you are alright after all this?

NPC:/dialogue I didn't see you flinch for a second, you truly have a strong mind not to be affected by any of this.

NPC:/shrug The average mind of an Elf would have easily been corrupted by this overwhelming experience. Let's never speak of this again.

NPC:/point Of course you will have to tell Belion what happened, @PC_NAME(0). Only hearing the story, without witnessing the memory should be manageable for him.

NPC:/shh I trust you to treat this information as highly confidential after this point.


Talk to NPC

Stage summary:

Talk to Belion at the Golden Fable Harbor in Sanddeep.


You:Belion, the reason Aeon's memory was forbidden to be restored, is because it would turn any normal Elf insane. Aeon tried to murder many innocent Elves.

NPC:/dialogue I understand. Thank you for witnessing this emotional memory for me and sharing what you've learned. I'm glad to see you weren't affected by it.


Report to NPC