Quests> The Elf of the Reminiscent Marsh

ID: 9427
Hereafter Rebellion
The Elf of the Reminiscent Marsh
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Transfering Command"


NPC:/salute For this quest to remain active, Belion needs to be summoned at all times.
As you may know, Aranzeb was not just the teaching assistant of the great Alexander Rowan himself.

NPC:/dialogue The Elves also considered him their king and our hearts were struck with great grieve when his soul left our world.

NPC:/nod It is true that Aranzeb faced Kyrios together with Tahyang, and gave his life to protect the innocent people of Auroria.

NPC:/dialogue I always hoped that Aranzeb's soul may have remained here, so I would get a chance to see him again and find closure for our kin.

NPC:/dialogue With your victories in combat, you have already gained the trust of many people here, including Captain Hector. Would you accompany me, to go talk to him?


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Talk to Captain Hector at the Guard Post in the Hereafter Rebellion.


NPC:@PC_NAME(0), Belion. Is there anything you need?

NPC:/dialogue Captain Hector, you've been protecting this plane for a long time now and must know close to everything there is, about the souls frequenting this place.

NPC:/no Frequenting? You must mean the few souls with a strong enough will to remain in this plane, instead of crossing over to Nui, right?

NPC:/sigh That is indeed what I am referring to. I was hoping you could share your knowledge with us, about one particular soul.

NPC:/dialogue This comes without surprise I assume, but I am looking for Aranzeb, the last true Elven king.

NPC:You are right, I'm not surprised by your question at all. Unfortunately, this is where I have to tell you, that in my many years here, I have never seen his soul wandering this plane.

NPC:/dialogue There is however another one of your kin, that has remained on this plane for a very long time now. I don't know why he refuses to cross into the Hereafter.

NPC:/surprise Another Elf, here between the world of the living and the Hereafter? Who might this be?

NPC:That I don't know, Belion. He usually stares at the lanterns in the Reminiscent Marsh though, so if you want to look for him, that's where you will find him.

NPC:/nod Thank you Captain Hector. Elves are deeply connected to one another, so perhaps this person might know more.

NPC:/dialogue Let's search for him at once, @PC_NAME(0).


Talk to NPC

Stage summary:

The quest automatically fails if Belion disappears or dies.
Talk to Aeon in the Reminiscent Marsh of the Hereafter Rebellion.


NPC:/dialogue Did you come to look at these beautiful lanterns with me?

NPC:/kneel Honorable ancestor, my name is Belion and I came to introduce myself. I was hoping for an audience with you.

NPC:/awkward You are of my kin. /surprise An Eokad by any chance?

NPC:/dialogue I am, honorable ancestor. I am a coucil elder of the Eokad, in search of the soul of our king Aranzeb.

NPC:/dialogue You are looking for Aranzeb's soul? I am heartbroken to see that even after all these years, our kin is still suffering because of this loss.

NPC:/dialogue It is true. While most of us have moved on to more current issues, some of us still thirst for revenge.

NPC:/dialogue To revenge our king and give our kin peace at last. I share these wishes with you, Eokad Belion.

NPC:/up Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Aeon and I have remained on this plane for hundreds of years, looking for a way back into the world of the living.

NPC:/sigh It is an honor to make your acquantaince, Aeon. Please forgive my ignorance, I don't seem to recall your name, but I am glad nevertheless we share the same goals.


Report to NPC