Quests> Always It Is Dawn

ID: 8155
Chapter 6: Warborn Main
4. Always It Is Dawn
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 30

Basic requirements:

Race Warborn

Level 26 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "A Gesture of Kinship"


NPC:Don't be afraid.

NPC:Your precious Damian, in the flesh. You credit him for setting you free... but he then let you become little better than Harani slaves. He didn't cut your strings. He just handed them to a new master. At least Orchidna and the demons didn't make you bow and scrape.

You:Brother. Why did you throw us to the wolves? Your gift of freedom only replaced one master with another. And now we serve mere mortals instead of a queen.

NPC:When you served our mother, you had no choice. But following the Harani out of Nuia--that was in your hands. You agreed to the yokes you now bear. You shouldn't blame me, or even yourselves. You were brand new to the world. You could not have known.

You:Why does our mother hate us?

NPC:I've spent much time in the Ayanad archives, researching exactly this. From what I can tell, her own father was a powerful mage named Raeven. He made contact with unimaginable creatures in another dimension. Some manner of deal was struck, and Raeven created a daughter to become their queen.

NPC:She, too, was created only as a pawn in someone else's game. When she realized she'd done the same to you... I think she was overcome with shame. It's not you she hates. It's herself. I know it's not easy, but consider the pain you feel at her rejection of you. The anger at me for my abandonment of you. The shame for the crimes you committed in Ezna.

NPC:You never had such feelings when my mother and the demons were controlling you. Your hurt is a sign of your freedom. Now you must learn to feel other things, as well.

NPC:Forgiveness. Comfort. Joy. Our mother let her rage consume her. But you don't have to follow her path. You have a choice. Do not see yourself as unworthy or as lesser then the other races. You are their equal. Fight at their side. Help reconquer Auroria. Build a grand Warborn city: the first of its kind. When our mother wakes up, welcome her to your new home. Maybe seeing how you have healed yourselves will show her how to heal, as well.


Visit specific place to accept quest

Stage summary:

Talk to Damian.

Twisted Coral's Teleport Scroll will take you directly to him. You can also find him by entering the Queen's Chamber via Burnt Castle in Cinderstone Moor.


NPC:/dialogue Here; it will be painful if you try to disable your stabilizer yourself. Let me help.


Report to NPC
Removes item