Quests> The Elders' Doubt

ID: 8137
Chapter 4: Warborn Main
5. The Elders' Doubt
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 18

Basic requirements:

Race Warborn

Level 14 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "To Redempton"

Member of "Haranya Alliance" faction


NPC:/quarrel The ritual is typically performed by only the most devoted Warborn, who wish to abandon all doubts and spend every waking moment repenting for their past.

NPC:/contend The purpose of the Ritual of Atonement is to burn the guilt of the Ezna massacre into your mind. We should not suffer from our sins only in sleep. Rather, our sins should be a source of constant pain, even when awake.

NPC:/dialogue I must admit, I find it hard to trust you. Many have said you've been questioning the necessity of your stabilizer. However, if you can convince the other Elders that you are true of heart, I will allow you to perform the ritual.


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Talk to Elders New Cloud, August Roar, Noble Forest, and Relenting Rain in the alcove north of the Sacred Hall.


NPC:/dialogue The ritual is sacred, and not to be undertaken lightly. Maybe you truly want to atone for your lack of faith... but I think you wish only to fool us. I do not believe your intentions are pure.



Stage summary:

Talk to Elders New Cloud, August Roar, Noble Forest, and Relenting Rain in the alcove north of the Sacred Hall.


NPC:/nope @PC_NAME(0), I can't let you undertake the Ritual of Atonement. At least not yet. I am not yet convinced you are truly ready to tame your rebellious spirit.


Talk to NPC

Stage summary:

Talk to Elders New Cloud, August Roar, Noble Forest, and Relenting Rain in the alcove north of the Sacred Hall.


NPC:/quarrel We've heard all about you. Even if you do wish to repent for Ezna and for doubting your stabilizer, I'm not convinced you wouldn't buckle under the rigorous memories incited by the ritual. I won't let you perform it.



Stage summary:

Talk to Elders New Cloud, August Roar, Noble Forest, and Relenting Rain in the alcove north of the Sacred Hall.


NPC:/disagree You spent too long with a malfunctioning stabilizer. Doubt has rooted itself too deeply in your mind. I will not allow you to profane our most sacred ritual.



Stage requirements:

Member of "Haranya Alliance" faction

Stage summary:

Return to Elder Pacifica.


NPC:/contend Apparently all of the Elders share my concerns. We cannot simply give you details on the ritual... but if you are truly devoted, you may still earn them.


Report to NPC