Quests> Freedom Seeker

ID: 8133
Chapter 4: Warborn Main
1. Freedom Seeker
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 15

Basic requirements:

Race Warborn

Level 11 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "The Engineer's Assistant"

Member of "Haranya Alliance" faction


NPC:/contend Strange dreams, huh? By any chance, have these dreams been filling your mind with unanswerable questions? Or even... questions that you feel frightened to answer?

NPC:/quarrel. It's all right. I'm not going to report you to some Harani official. I'm a friend. A friend who started off a lot like you.

NPC:/dialogue Have you ever heard of the Freestorm? We are an organization devoted to helping and supporting Warborn who choose to deactivate their stabilizers and live outside of Harani rule.

NPC:/angry By the gods, these rebel scum. Their quest for "freedom" endangers everyone! Stabilizers exist for a reason! Do you want to cause another Ezna massacre? Do you want that on your conscience?!

You:/contend This man is fine! He doesn't look like a killing machine!

NPC:/confused I'm--I'm sorry, what? Are you talking about me? Who are you talking to?

You:/nope Ah, no one. Sorry. Talking to... myself. Bad habit I picked up in the mines.

NPC:/contend You were created to kill! You've remembered your own mother saying so. That stabilizer is the only thing keeping you sane. Remove it, and you deserve whatever befalls you!

You:/contend I want to learn more about the Freestorm. But I don't want to remove my stabilizer yet! I want to know it's safe.

NPC:/dialogue Of course! Join us or not, just know you have a choice. Go to the Communal Ranch. You'll need to check in with Overseer Roaferre, but after that, the other Warborn can help you make an informed decision.


Accept quest from NPC

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Bow to Overseer Roaferre by targeting him and entering /bow in chat. The overseer can be found southeast of the Governor's Office.


NPC:/dialogue Very polite. I appreciate that. Thank you, @PC_NAME(0). But don't feel the need to scrape your knees for my sake.


Stage requirements:

Member of "Haranya Alliance" faction

Stage summary:

Talk to Overseer Roaferre.


NPC:/dialogue The other Harani think I'm too "soft" on your people, and they're probably right, but all of you are always so nice! Anyway. Is this your first time at the communes?

NPC:/quarrel We let your people mostly rule themselves here. There are supervisors, like myself, but as long as you meet your production quotas, we don't really interfere.


Report to NPC