Quests> In the Footsteps of Gods and Heroes

ID: 5967
In the Footsteps of Gods and Heroes
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 50



Stage requirements:

Have Battlerage skilltree

Have Witchcraft skilltree

Have Defense skilltree

Have Auramancy skilltree

Have Occultism skilltree

Have Archery skilltree

Have Sorcery skilltree

Have Shadowplay skilltree

Have Songcraft skilltree

Have Vitalism skilltree

Have Malediction skilltree

Have Swiftblade skilltree

Have Gunslinger skilltree

Have Spelldance skilltree


NPC:/dialogue You may not realize it, but each Skillset in the battle arts represents the abilities of one of the twelve gods and heroes back on Auroria.

NPC:/talk If you can master each Skillset, your power will surpass any of those paragons. Skill Managers can help you change Skillsets, but leveling each to 50 will be up to you.


Accept quest from NPC
Accept quest from NPC
Accept quest from NPC
Accept quest from NPC
Accept quest from NPC
Accept quest from NPC
Accept quest from NPC
Accept quest from NPC
Accept quest from NPC
Accept quest from NPC
Accept quest from NPC
Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Level all Skillsets to 50.

|nb;Includes: Battlerage, Witchcraft, Defense, Auramancy, Occultism, Archery, Sorcery, Shadowplay, Songcraft, Vitalism, Malediction, Swiftblade, Gunslinger, Spelldance|r


Achieve skilltree level
Basic skilltree 50 level

Stage summary:

Talk to a Skill Manager.

|nb;Skill Managers can be found in: Marianople, Caernord, City of Towers, Crescent Throne, Lutesong Harbor, Austera, Seachild Wharf, Golden Fable Harbor, Veroe, Growlgate Isle|r


NPC:/dialogue You have mastered each and every one of the battle arts. You are truly one of the most powerful mortals ever to tread this humble soil.

NPC:/handover You have truly earned this: a Tales of the Twelve Manuscript. /dialogue Bind it, and learn well about those who came before you.

NPC:/talk ArcheMaster, you may think your journey is at an end, but it is only just beginning. I know of your accomplishments, but others must, as well. Don't let the tides of time wash away your name.