Quests> Plots and Politics

ID: 5805
Chapter 5: Dwarf Main
13. Plots and Politics
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 27

Basic requirements:

Race Dwarf

Level 23 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Heretical Technology"

Member of "Nuia Alliance" faction


NPC:/explain Right after you left, a bunch of Shatigon Priests and Andelph Guards teleported in demanding to know where you'd gone. The priests went down to the basement, and the guards took up positions around the house to keep everyone out.

NPC:/dialogue But one of the priests--Uhlant, I think they said his name was?--revealed himself to be a Naga in disguise, and tried to make off with Ynga's research. He would've killed you for sure, if the guards hadn't rushed in when they did.

You:/surprise Damn it, they've probably had their eyes on me since the moment I walked into the temple. They were using me to get to Ynga's lab!

NPC:/dialogue Whatever those priests were up to, they clearly weren't expecting one of their own to turn into a damned Naga. There are big things at work here, friend. The Sage of Roads himself is coming here tomorrow to question you.

NPC:/agree Speaking of which, you look like hell. You should head back inside and get some more rest, so you're ready for the Sage of Roads when he arrives. You're no good to anyone if you're dead on your feet.


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Lie down on the bed in Postmaster Biern's House in Marianople.


Interact with the Object

Stage requirements:

Member of "Nuia Alliance" faction

Stage summary:

Talk to the Sage of Roads at the Faction Base at the center of Marianople.


NPC:/dialogue Welcome, @PC_NAME(0). I've been expecting you. I assume you have recovered from your meeting with the Naga?

NPC:/conclude I am the Sage of Roads. Of the six scholars that dictate and interpret Dwarven law, it is my role to stay abreast of foreign affairs. Which means your little... incident... in this city falls firmly under my jurisdiction.




20250 exp