Quests> The Windwell in Sandcloud

ID: 3730
Dewstone Plains
The Windwell in Sandcloud
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 17

Basic requirements:

Level 13 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Member of "Nuia Alliance" faction


NPC:/arrogant You ever seen a Windwell before? It's the lifeblood of our little town here.

NPC:/conclude In Dewstone, an oasis can come and go with the season. You need a steady supply of water to survive. That's where this old girl comes in.

NPC:/talk The Windwell uses the power of a windmill to carry water up from the earth, hundreds of feet below us. It'd take hours to get it up with a hand pump!

NPC:/contend It's my job to keep her runnin' smooth. Keep her gears oiled, sails patched, 'n so forth.

NPC:/command Say, you wanna give it a try? She was creakin' a bit down at the main shaft last time I listened. Just give 'er a little grease with this here Oily Rag, and she'll be hummin' along in no time!

NPC:/excuse Oh, don't look at me like that. Can't you give an old man a break? Fine. You caught me. If you tend the Windwell while I nip off for a drink, I'll give you a coin or two for your trouble. Sound fair?


Accept quest from NPC
Quest items



Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Use the Oily Rag to oil the main shaft of the Windwell.


Use item

Stage requirements:

Member of "Nuia Alliance" faction

Stage summary:

Return to Windwell Caretaker Newman when finished.


NPC:/commend See? That didn't take long at all! I got a little break, and the ol' girl here is spinnin' just fine.

NPC:Actually, she sounds better than she has in years! You've got a knack for this, I'd say.
