Quests> The Mad Scholar

ID: 3544
Chapter 4: Harani Main
10. The Mad Scholar
Requires precompleted quest:

Quest level: 20

Can be repeated on fail

Basic requirements:

Race Hariharan



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "The Middleman"

Member of "Haranya Alliance" faction


NPC:/fact Meiri told you about Genea's... eccentric nature, yes? He's not the easiest person to talk to. But he's practically a savant when it comes to ancient artifacts, and he knows more about Auroria than any historian I've ever met.

NPC:/conclude Travel to Austera, and find a bar called The Goat and Gargoyle. Genea usually spends his nights there, talking to the drunks. Stand near him long enough, and look bored, and I guarantee he'll talk to you sooner or later.


Accept quest from NPC
Quest items

Stage summary:

Target Genea in The Goat & Gargoyle, and type /stretch to act bored near him.


NPC:/foldedarms What what what? Are you not excited, on such a great adventure? Don't you know what it is you hold!?




Stage requirements:

Member of "Haranya Alliance" faction

Stage summary:

Talk to Genea about Kyrios's Helm Fragment.


NPC:/conclude You! Yes you, with the yawning and the stretching. That fragment you carry is no yawning thing! Have you heard its history? Are you curious about the Helm of Kyrios?

NPC:/worry That fancy hat you carry once belonged to the God of Destruction! Though it is no god who seeks to wear it now, I think... Perhaps a Hawk, hmm? /haha Yes yes yes! I can see from your eyes that I am right. Heehee!

You:/excuse What are you saying? What does this have to do with the Shadowhawks? Why does Haman want the helm so badly?

NPC:/talk In Auroria, the Shadowhawks of old once served the dreaded Kyrios. And in their secret hearts, some wish it were still so! But the silly hawklings toy with things beyond their birdy brains... this helm will only cause them pain!


Report to NPC