Quests> The Baron's Frustration

ID: 3500
Chapter 2: Dwarf Main
4. The Baron's Frustration
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 13

Basic requirements:

Race Dwarf

Level 9 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "The House of the Artificer"


You:/question My name is @PC_NAME(0). I've recently lost my memory, and I don't know why. But I know it has something to do with Mikael Ynga's work, so I'm trying to find his laboratory so I can figure out what happened to me.

NPC:/surprise Wait, I know you! You're the Dwarf who had the Ynga schematics! The whole Clockwork Factory was abuzz about you. But you've lost your memory, you say? How interesting!

NPC:/command I've turned this house upside down, and I haven't found a single clue to the location of Ynga's lab. I've tried up at the temple, too, but they're no help either.

You:/worry That's right, Professor Spellman said the priests were seizing every scrap of Ynga's work that they could get their hands on. But I found something they don't know about!

You:/decline Actually, they haven't seized everything. I found this glowing telescope at the wreckage where Ynga died.

NPC:/surprise What?! That's amazing! I wonder what it was used for? And how could the telescope have possibly survived the explosion unscathed?

NPC:/dialogue Excuse me. I am High Priest Uhlant from the Temple of Shatigon. My apologies for eavesdropping, but I believe I can answer that.


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Talk to Uhlant in Ynga's Old House.


NPC:/dialogue Don't worry, I won't report you to the temple. My colleagues and I have very... different views on the nature of Mikael Ynga's work.


Report to the Object


5200 exp