Quests> Unknown Fate

ID: 10660
Chapter 31: Ipnya Ridge
15. Unknown Fate
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 85

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Searching the Warden"


NPC:/talk We just came from the Warden Memorial where we met two more Wardens and found, what we assume, was your message? Laur… Louisa, as we call her, went to the Ethereal Haven with them while we came searching for you.

NPC:/talk She's here with you? Hmpf… Louisa… average name for an average girl, I guess that fits her well. And yes, I left that message since I wasn't sure if more people would show up.

NPC:/talk So we finally found the mysterious carver! I'm glad you left that message, otherwise we would never have come this way and potentially missed out on another talented Warden's help.

NPC:/talk And lovely company! What took you so long anyway? I was at the Memorial for days without anyone showing up, so I joined this Crimson Watch group when I saw them marching south.

NPC:/worry We came here right after we got the situation in the Mysthrane Gorge under control. An Akasch managed to open a portal in the ruins of Halnaak's old school there and now occasionally appears.

NPC:/talk In Mysthrane? But the seals…

NPC:/worry Are greatly weakened and can no longer protect us fully from the treat of the Abyss. We came here hoping other Wardens felt the sudden changes in Auroria and that through our combined efforts, we can return peace to these lands.

NPC:/talk I saw that the followers of the Akasch already took control of most areas here at the Ridge, but those fanatics showing up and causing trouble wasn't anything new. If the seals are weakened though, then we're working against a serious threat.

NPC:/talk Indeed, thus I called the Crimson Watch for help ahead of time and brought my friend @PC_NAME(0) along, who is not only impressively smart and witty, but also one of the best fighters I have ever met.

NPC:/talk If Ardios vouches for you, @PC_NAME(0), then you're a friend in my books as well. I look forward to working with you and thank you for your support.

NPC:/talk We can continue to catch up while we walk to the Gleaming Grove. We need to use the Haven Teleporter there to get back to the Ethereal Haven and join the others.


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Travel to the Gleaming Grove and use the Haven Teleporter to return to the Ethereal Haven.


Interact with the Object

Stage summary:

Talk to Ardios at the Ethereal Haven.


NPC:/talk Let's all be careful while we're up here. As you can see, Nami, it's undeniable that the Akasch have done something with the Haven, but we don't know what exactly.

NPC:/talk We should focus on finding Louisa, Timbo and Yesao and leave as soon as possible again. I grabbed some more Arcane Rocks on my way up here and enchanted them, so we can use them to return to the Haven Teleporter once we're done.



Stage summary:

Look for Louisa, Timbo and Yesao at the Ethereal Haven.


You:A trail of blood... what happened here?!


Interact with the Object

Stage summary:

Talk to Ardios at the Ethereal Haven.


NPC:/surprised Blood?! Whose blood?! Did you find Louisa?

NPC:/sad What did I do?! I sent her here with Timbo and Yesao, what if something happened to them?! This is all my fault, I killed them!

NPC:/talk Calm down, we don't know whose blood it is yet and we definitely didn't find any bodies. Whoever was injured must have left the Haven already, so let's try and follow their trail.



Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Follow the blood trail off the Ethereal Haven and towards the Lost Cenote.


NPC:/talk The blood trail leads into this cave. Hurry, we must go inside and find the injured person.



Stage summary:

Follow the blood trail inside the Lost Cenote.


NPC:/sad @PC_NAME(0)! Ardios! I'm so happy you are here! Something awful happened to us at the Ethereal Haven.

NPC:/sad They got Yesao…


Report to the Object