Quests> To the Ethereal Haven

ID: 10651
Chapter 31: Ipnya Ridge
6. To the Ethereal Haven
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 85

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Teleporter Repairs"


NPC:/talk This is the reason I've been keeping my distance from Ardios over the last couple decades. He always gets me into trouble or convinces me to do stuff I later end up regretting, that pointy-eared bastard!

NPC:/talk But all jokes aside, we must take the situation here in the Ridge very serious. Not only are there remnants of foreign structures scattered around, the animals in the Grove have become hostile as well.

NPC:/fact This sort of change reminds me of what happened in the Hiram Mountains. Some of the Hiram Scouts told me that the animals there have become hostile and the animals in the east even mutated in some cases.

NPC:/scratch I think for the moment, we must assume that wherever those structures are present, there's a high chance of hostile creatures nearby. We should get a better understanding of the overall threat this presents, once we're up on the Haven.

NPC:/talk Done!

NPC:/talk The teleporter should now have enough magic to get us up to the Ethereal Haven. Whenever you are ready, touch the wings on the vase and the spell will be activated.


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Touch the wings of the Haven Teleporter to move to the Ethereal Haven.


Interact with the Object


NPC:/disagree Ugh… I don't feel so good…

NPC:/scratch Feeling sick again? I'm sorry the teleportation magic doesn't agree with you, Louisa. Maybe sit down and take a quick rest while @PC_NAME(0) and I look around?

NPC:/disagree Don't worry about me, it will pass and it had to be done. There's too much at stake for us to further delay our investigation and this is, like you said, the perfect spot to get a better idea of the situation.


Report to the Object