Quests> Teleporter Repairs

ID: 10650
Chapter 31: Ipnya Ridge
5. Teleporter Repairs
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 85

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "A Perfect Lookout"


NPC:/talk Did you notice that strange looking vase over there? It's exactly what we were searching for. It isn't one of those fancy worldgates the Daru have, but its function is more or less the same.

NPC:/talk Mother save me… is that what you want us to use to get to the Ethereal Haven?! I completely blocked that evil device from my memory… please don't make me use it again!

NPC:/talk Evil device? This is a masterpiece of craftsmanship and it allows ordinary folks like us to walk in the footsteps of the ancient Ipnya. Don't mock it for it's less advanced techonology compared to the Daru's.

NPC:/talk Less advanced is a very gentle way to describe that thing. More like barf-inducing, unstable piece of cr…eation. The magic imbued into those teleporters is unrefined and violent.

NPC:/disagree I only ever used such a teleporter once and ended up with the worst case of motion sickness to ever be recorded in the history of sickness. I am NOT using that thing again!

NPC:/worry Well if you feel so strongly about it, perhaps we just have to check all of the Ipnya Ridge on foot, instead of making use of the Ethereal Haven's ideal lookout location. It will take us hours…

NPC:/disagree That's extortion, Ardios…

NPC:/scratch What? Extortion? Me?!

NPC:/talk Alright, alright you can drop the act now, you made your point. I will use the teleporter to get to the Haven and get our investigation over with.

NPC:/worry Wonderful! I'm glad that you are willing to give the teleporter another try, Louisa. There is only one small problem left with our plan: the teleporter has been sitting unused for so long, its magic has started to fade.

NPC:/talk But as a former student of the arcane arts myself, I already know how to address the issue. There are a great amount of Arcane Rocks laying around the forest floor. @PC_NAME(0), can you collect 5 of them for me?

NPC:/talk You're going to transfer the arcane energy of the rocks into the teleporter to power it back up? We should have tried that with the Risopoda in Mysthrane too! Let's try that maybe after we're done in the Ridge, ok?


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Collect 5 Arcane Rocks in the Gleaming Grove and deliver them to Ardios.


Collect item

Stage map markers:


NPC:/talk You're back fast. Did you already collect the rocks I was asking for?

NPC:/talk These will do the trick, thank you @PC_NAME(0). Give me just a few moments to recite my spells and transfer the energy to the transporter.


Report to the Object