Quests> Alliance: Wyrdwinds

ID: 9000203
14. Alliance: Wyrdwinds
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 52

Basic requirements:

Level 52 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Name-Cursed Venue"


NPC:Come closer and tell your story.

NPC:Well, very well. I would even say great! The coordinates of all the artifacts, and the ancient spell in addition. I'll hand it over to our staff magicians, let them reflect.

NPC:So, you will ask, where are these artifacts hidden? Yeah, the flooded crypts of the Golden Ruins, the underground tiers of the Lost Serpent Ruins, the mountain caves of the Reedwind, the basements of the Ayanad Library, the depths of the Whaleswell Straits and... what?

NPC:North Coast of Auroria? Difficult places. This is something that only the Order of Nui can handle, no one else can do that.

NPC:However, I also have some good news for you. Bad ones, too. What do you want to hear first? Well, so, the good ones then.

NPC:We managed to negotiate with the Great Families of the West and East. They will help us in this war. But not all of them. This is actually the bad news.

NPC:East Ishvara is too busy with their internal affairs and refuses to join the Alliance, which has a negative effect on all of us.

NPC:These families are one of the largest, we desperately need their support. Help out.

NPC:Help the houses deal with their problems. And be patient, Adventurer, the power is in the hands of far from the most friendly people.



Stage map markers:


NPC:Alfred, and why are you empty-handed? I asked for wine from the Paddies. Do you really think it will be difficult to find a better butler?

NPC:Ah, you are not Alfred, you are a flunky of the Crimson Watch. I think I made myself very clear. Wyrdwinds will not join the Alliance.

NPC:Constant bloodshed will soon bring the Whalesong Harbor to the point when it will be renamed to Crimson. Our family has thrown all its forces into this region, and we will not give you even the most seedy cadet.

NPC:Of course, unless you somehow magically deal with this war.


Talk to NPC

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

- Talk to Iren Wyrdwind in Halcyona

- Defeat Jakar five times in the Whalesong Harbor

Jakar appears during the Whalesong event in Whalesong Harbor.

Whalesong event starts every time when war breaks out in Whalesong Harbor.

Players are encouraged to unite in a raid.



NPC:Hmm, an unexpected twist. Okay, Wyrdwinds are joining your so-called Alliance.


Report to NPC