Quests> Powerful Friends

ID: 5802
Chapter 5: Dwarf Main
10. Powerful Friends
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 27

Basic requirements:

Race Dwarf

Level 23 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Stolen Records"

Member of "Nuia Alliance" faction


NPC:/dialogue Let's see... You're looking for the point of origin for that hundred-year-old letter, right? As you know, the envelope didn't include a return address. But our Postmasters always record the pickup locations in their logs.

NPC:/agree Here we are! According to the records scroll you recovered, the letter's pickup location was from a private residence in Marianople. Here, let me write down the address for you.

You:Marianople? The Nuian city? It would take days to get there from here!

NPC:/laugh Haha! On foot, maybe. But you've got the help of the Postmasters! Did you really think we'd consider our debt repaid just by handing you some stuffy old address?

NPC:/handover This Portal Pinion will teleport you to Marianople in a blink. Once you arrive, find Postmaster Biern and he'll guide you to the address you're looking for. How's that for repaying a favor, eh?


Accept quest from NPC
Quest items

Stage summary:

Use the Pinion Portal to travel to Marianople.


Stage requirements:

Member of "Nuia Alliance" faction

Stage summary:

Speak to Postmaster Biern in Marianople.


You:/wave Are you Postmaster Biern?

NPC:/wave Ah, welcome! You must be @PC_NAME(0). Good to see someone of the proper height again, if you don't mind me sayin'. Nuian cities are nice, but you do get tired of craning your neck up at the loomin' bastards.


Report to NPC


37700 exp