Quests> Stolen Records

ID: 5801
Chapter 5: Dwarf Main
9. Stolen Records
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 26

Basic requirements:

Race Dwarf

Level 22 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Enter the Archives"

Member of "Nuia Alliance" faction


NPC:/talk I am Postmaster Brisa. And I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier; we've recently had a theft in the archives, so we're all a little on-edge.

You:/dialogue A theft? What was stolen?

NPC:/secret Some Nuians were in here earlier, asking about a records scroll from a hundred years ago. We answered what questions we could, but the second we turned our backs they snatched the scroll and disappeared!

NPC:/request The Andelph Guards are too busy with the Astra to investigate. But you... you seem to recognize the importance of our work. Will you help us recover the stolen records scroll?

NPC:/handover This Post Owl Feather has been enchanted to react to the presence of the missing scroll. All you have to do is patrol Andelph and keep an eye out for any suspicious Nuians. The feather will do the rest. Good luck!


Accept quest from NPC
Quest items



Stage summary:

Use the Post Owl Feather on Crescent Throne Ambassador Angus, the Suspicious Visitor, or the Snooping Traveler in Andelph.



Stage requirements:

Member of "Nuia Alliance" faction

Stage summary:

Talk to Postmaster Brisa at the Postal Archives.


NPC:/gratitude Excellent, you found it! Lopol sent an owl while you were gone. Somehow, I suspect you won't be surprised to learn that the records scroll you're after is the very same one you just rescued from those Nuians.

NPC:/point I'm not sure what you're mixed up in. But you've done the Postmasters a favor today, and that's something we won't soon forget. Speak to Eldriana when you're ready. She has the information you're looking for.


Report to NPC


37700 exp