Quests> Omens of Turmoil

ID: 10800
3. Omens of Turmoil
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Shifting Sea"


NPC:/worry So, that's what Neuma told you? Maybe things are connected with the rise of the Akasch, after all. We have to tell everyone about this.

NPC:/dialogue I will write a letter about this. @PC_NAME(0), would you inform Archeologist Evelina of what we've found so far, please?

NPC:/dialogue We'll have to brace ourselves for what's to come. There is going to be a big turmoil in the ocean.


Stage summary:

Find Archeologist Evelina near the Ayanad Ruins in Diamond Shores.


NPC:/dialogue @PC_NAME(0), you're back!

NPC:/dialogue While you were gone, I was doing my own research, @PC_NAME(0). Apparently, the Ocean Fog Research Institute has noticed some irregularities with the ghost ships' whereabouts.

NPC:/worry There's definitely something going on here. What did Burnar Say?