Quests> Restless Entity

ID: 10798
1. Restless Entity
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Old Tale"


NPC:/dialogue What? A ghost ship's curse? You're helping Evelina with that case?

NPC:/worry What a timing. After hearing about some oddities happening with the ghost ships from the Ocean Fog Research Institute, I myself have been looking into things.

NPC:/talk While I was at it, I figured it'd be nice to talk to someone who has been observing the sea for a long time.

NPC:/tell I wanted to ask him about the changes of the ghost ships, but I just couldn't find him.

NPC:/worry Apparently, there used to be an island called the Sea of Drowned Love near Freedich Island. When Dahuta's Curse sank that island, a soul has remained there even to this day, not able to rest in peace.

NPC:/talk That soul must have watched everything that's been going on in the sea all this time.

NPC:/tell @PC_NAME(0), for some reason, I get the feeling that you'll be able to find that soul. Would you ask her about the changes in the sea and the ghost ships?

NPC:/worry Don't forget. The Sea of Drowned Love is under the sea. You won't be able to find it on the surface. Look for Earthbound Neuma there. Good luck.


Stage summary:

Find and talk to Earthbound Neuma near Sea of Drowned Love.


NPC:This is my first time to see a @PC_RACE(0) in ages. Who are you?


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