Quests> Dragon Bone Traces

ID: 10405
Chapter 2: The Nuon Dragon War
12. Dragon Bone Traces
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Karkasse Samples"


NPC:/talk I'm afraid the test results are not good, @PC_NAME(0). I first confirmed the concentration of the substance with the original water sample you brought from the Bone Pool.

NPC:/talk I then went ahead and tested the Water Sample, Air Sample and Soil Sample from Lake Dragontear and finally also the Dragon Bone Shavings from the Bonepool Hutment.

NPC:/talk All of the tests came back positive for traces of the substance and furthermore, I am fairly certain now that this substance is actual dragon bone itself. It must have been ground so fine, it can't be seen with by the naked eye.

NPC:/talk The concentration of the bone is highest in the water samples, even the Lake Dragontear water, but like I said, it's definitely also present in the air and the soil to a certain extent.

NPC:/talk Of course we can't be sure of anything, but the evidence seems undeniable. I think it's best you go and inform Estio what we found out here.


Accept quest from NPC
Quest items



Stage summary:

Travel to Lavis in Karkasse Ridgelands and talk to Estio.


NPC:/talk @PC_NAME(0), there you are! This took much longer than I expected. Did you meet Sardin and what did he tell you?

NPC:/talk Oh, we also received some Purified Water from a nearby Wyrmkin tribe. This must have been your work, I assume?
