Quests> Karkasse Samples

ID: 10404
Chapter 2: The Nuon Dragon War
11. Karkasse Samples
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "LF Research Assistant"


NPC:/talk I'm so relieved to have your continued support, @PC_NAME(0)! You make a fantastic water research assistant.

NPC:/talk Since we concluded that the cause of the Wyrmkin problem can't be explained by the condition of the water alone, my next step is to research more elements they are exposed to.

NPC:/talk The earthquake was an important event that marks the approximate start of all these horrible things happening, but I don't think the quake itself is to blame.

NPC:/talk If there is any truth to what Mian calls the Dragon Curse, then wouldn't it make sense that not only the water is tainted, but also the air and soil the bones are exposed to?

NPC:/talk Calling it a curse also sounds a bit too superstitious for my taste. You don't need to be a genius to understand that consuming anything that was marinating in a giant rotting bone for thousands of years is a bad idea.

NPC:/talk Either way, I think it might also be feasible to believe that the earthquake caused a shift that released long trapped toxins into the air and the Wyrmkin who are very attuned to these lands reacted more sensitive to them than others.

NPC:/talk And now I'll get to the part that explains why I'm so dependent on your help. Collecting samples is not the most demanding job in the world, unless it's in a dangerous environment.

NPC:/talk I'd like to start by analyzing the water, air and soil quality from one of the most pristine locations in Karkasse known to us: Lake Dragontear. You'll be able to collect all three samples by the Fish Stand there.

NPC:/talk But between us and the lake is the Dragonroar Fortress, which is overrun with aggressive Minotaurs and turned Wyrmkin. There's no need to fight them, you can also sneak your way through, but I am neither strong, nor stealthy.

NPC:/talk Lastly, since you're already in good graces with Brownscale Wyrmkin Sage Mian, I'd like you to also collect some shavings of the Large Dragon Bone you saw at the Bonepool Hutment, using this Carving Knife.

NPC:/talk The only thing dangerous about that part of your task, is that Mian might talk too much again. Don't feel obligated to just sit there and listen. A polite excuse should be enough to get yourself out of there faster this time.

NPC:/talk Alright, @PC_NAME(0). Ready to head out on your journey? Don't forget, I need a Water Sample, Air Sample and Soil Sample from Lake Dragontear and some Dragon Bone Shavings from the Bonepool Hutment.


Accept quest from NPC
Quest items

Stage summary:

Collect an Air Sample, Soil Sample and Water Sample from the Fish Stand at Lake Dragontear.
Collect some Dragon Bone Shavings from the Large Dragon Bone at the Bonepool Hutment.


Stage summary:

Collect an Air Sample, Soil Sample and Water Sample from the Fish Stand at Lake Dragontear.
Collect some Dragon Bone Shavings from the Large Dragon Bone at the Bonepool Hutment.


Collect item


Collect item


Collect item



Stage summary:

Deliver the Air Sample, Soil Sample, Water Sample and Dragon Bone Shavings to Sardin in Iona, Karkasse Ridgelands.


NPC:/talk Marvelous work! I have been busy during your absence as well and created a test of sorts that will recognize the new substance I discovered in the water from the Bone Pool.

NPC:/talk All we have to do is touch a small amount of the samples you collected with the surface of the test, and it will tell us if they contain that same substance.


Report to NPC