Skills> Collateral Damage

ID: 47645
Collateral Damage (Rank 1)

Mana: 339

Range: Caster Only

Ranged Attack: 645

Cast Time: 2 sec

Cooldown Time: 40 sec

Fires a bullet that creates a powerful wave and deals 469 (216 + 645% Ranged Attack) Ranged Damage and inflicts Slow on the initial target, decreasing their Move Speed -10% for 3 sec.
The wave then deals damage equal to 10% of each target's Max Health, to up to 20 enemies within a 5m radius.

The bullet penetrates the target's Physical Defense partially and ignores Toughness, but never causes Critical Damage.
This skill never misses.

If the target is a World Boss, the bullet deals only the initial damage.
buff buff
Impales victims of Cursed Seeds.
buff buff
Fears Snared targets for 2sec.
buff buff
Removes Shadow Cloak from enemies, if the caster has 30+ stacks of Adrenaline.
Deals +27% additional damage to Bleeding targets.
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