Skills> Summon Furious Thunderwing Titan for Pirates

ID: 38210
Summon Furious Thunderwing Titan for Pirates

Range: 0 - 4 m

Cast Time: 3 sec

Cooldown Time: 0.5 sec

Summons a Furious Thunderwing Titan for the Pirate Faction and provides Fierce Titan's Wings for the encounter.
Only for Lv50+ members of the Pirate Faction.
Summoning requires the Promised Guardian buff from a completed Haje's Tower, and consumes 1 Thunderwing Titan's Jawbone and 1 Titansong Ruby.
Obtaining Fierce Titan's Wings requires a set of Original Titan's Wings per person, which can be crafted at theThunderwing Workbench.
The Furious Thunderwing Titan remains for 1 hour. After that, the Haje's Tower is reduced to stage 1.
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