Skills> Fiend's Knell

ID: 23588
Fiend's Knell (Rank 1)

Mana: 1420

Range: 0 - 30 m

Cast Time: 4 sec

Cooldown Time: 60 sec

Summons a fiend to follow you, relentlessly attacking your enemies with special skills.
Trips up to 8 enemies in a 5m area for 1.5 sec where the Fiend is summoned.
The fiend's Health decreases -5% every sec.
Snares up to 8 enemies within a 6m radius for 10 sec.
Snare duration -50% during PvP.

The Fiend can't be healed, and can't be summoned at the same time as Mist Banshee Wail or Mist Summon Wraith.
buff buff
The fiend's attack inflicts Sleep on Enervated targets.
buff buff
The fiend's attack inflicts Sleep on targets under the effects of Lassitude.
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