Skills> Sunder Earth

ID: 10644
Sunder Earth (Rank 9)

Mana: 92

Range: Caster Only

Effect Range: 9 m

Melee Attack: +480%

Cast Time: 0.5 sec

Cooldown Time: 16 sec

Smashes open a fault line in front of you, dealing 944 (756 + 480% Melee Attack) Melee Damage to all enemies in a line.
Creates an area of Earth Energy around the open fissure for 7 sec, reducing received damage -30% for all allies in the area of effect.
Second attack: Deals an additional +48% damage to Tripped targets.
buff buff
Inflicts Provoke on affected enemies for 4 sec if used while under the effects of Toughen.
Deals +28% additional damage to Bleeding targets.
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