Quests> The Unseen

ID: 9781
Hereafter Rebellion
The Unseen
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "The Allseeing Watchers"


NPC:/dialogue I hope you don't think me rude, but let me get straight to the point. We have come to ask you what the Ocleera does in the Hereafter Rebellion.

NPC:The ancient watchers were born before the door to magic closed. We see all that was, is and may be.

NPC:We are all but single threads the Mother weaves with purpose to create our fate.

NPC:A single thread opposing her work creates an imperfection of insignificance.

NPC:But there are great powers at work and some watchers aim to alter the skein of fate.

NPC:What you seek seems invisible to the eye, but train your sight and you shall see.

NPC:If it's invisible to the eye, how do we train ourselves to see it?

NPC:/dialogue @PC_NAME(0), what are we supposed to do now?

NPC:Trust your senses, they are all around. Even here as we speak.


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Search the area around the Silent Watcher in Golden Ruins.


Interact with the Object

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Report to Marian Noryette.


NPC:What were you doing down there? Did you find something?


Report to the Object