Quests> The Promise

ID: 9466
Hereafter Rebellion
The Promise
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "The Trusty Traders"


NPC:Completing the last quest in this questline will reduce the summoning cost of Eltere by 1.
We got separated! Eltere and Isan are almost boarding the ship and Bert and I were left behind.

NPC:/dialogue Are those your parents, little girl? Don't worry, you will all end up on the same ship anyway. You'll see them on board again.

NPC:/enrage Don't worry little girl, you can stick to me and my wife until we get on board.

NPC:/excuse Aren't you excited to see Auroria? I bet it is beautiful and we will have wonderful lifes.

NPC:/favor You should make your Warborn slave carry that heavy pack of yours.

NPC:/point Shame on you, for letting this poor, little angel carry that! I will tell your master!

NPC:/scratch Excuse me?! What the hell, Mik...

NPC:/frustrated Waaaaa, zip it Bert! I want my mommy right now!

NPC:/enrage @PC_NAME(0), go find my mommy, Eltere! Now!


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Talk to Disguised Eltere at the Mahdevi Port in Mahadevi.


NPC:/dialogue It's so good to see you again Petol. How have you been?

NPC:I'm glad to see you too. I wasn't sure we'd meet again. After all, Isan vanished into thin air and I haven't heard from you since.

NPC:/surprise Oh you know how it is... we had to deliver more Tigerspaw Pancakes, so we left.

NPC:/back Yep, they're in huge demand, but my friends and I are oh so tired of life here on Haranya and Nuia.

NPC:/excuse Then you've come to the perfect place, my friends! We're off to Auroria to start a new, much better life there. You should join us!

NPC:/taunt Ok enough of these lies, you scumbag! You are abducting these people, aren't you? To sell them as slaves!

NPC:/dialogue Tell me the truth, at once!

NPC:/scratch Abduct them to be sold as slaves? Are you out of your mind?!

NPC:/excuse Look around you, none of these people were abducted, they are here by their free will!

NPC:/dialogue They are tired of living under the strict rules of Queen Amarendra. What has she ever done for them?

NPC:/conclude Some of these people were homeless, others cast aside from society because of a small crime in their past. They were hated, starving and forgotten.

NPC:/dialogue But under guidance of our generous God, we fed them, we gave them somewhere to sleep and we will give them opportunities in Auroria.

NPC:/foldedarms Opportunities they will never get here, because some powdered noble pig decided they're not worth the trouble.

NPC:/point So tell me, Eltere, who is the bad guy here, and who truly cares for those in need?

NPC:/excuse Opportunities? With the Abyssal Legion?

NPC:/excuse What would you know about the Abyssal Legion? They are faithful devotees and hard workers.

NPC:/conclude We devote our lives to our God and when he returns, he will reward us all with paradise.

NPC:/enrage Kyrios will give you paradise?! Are you stupid or just plain ignorant?

NPC:/taunt Kyrios brings nothing but destruction and death! He killed our king and didn't even stop for his best friend!

NPC:/sigh Oh so he's all evil, but you and your Gods are so much better? Since you're so smart, I'm sure you also remember what happened in Epherium, do you?

NPC:What are you talking about?!

NPC:/no I'm talking about the Firrans and what their kind did. Everyone likes to pretend all evil out there is somehow linked to Kyrios, but any crime unrelated to him, is just ignored.

NPC:/dialogue Do you know what happened when those self-proclaimed Firran heroes sacked the city of Epherium? The streets were covered with bodies of innocent citizens!

NPC:/excuse And when they were done, there was nothing but cruel silence filling the streets. Flies and maggots were crawling over the lifeless corpses of the dead.

NPC:/no All of this killing and death, just because they were mad at Kyrios and his devotees happened to live in Epherium. Your kind murdered them all, men, women, even children.

NPC:/point Mad at Kyrios for defending himself against his traiterous friend Tahyang. He killed him in self-defense and as retaliation you killed all his people.

NPC:/suffer Lies!

NPC:/dialogue While your kind always acted in self-interested, Kyrios always fought for what's right. He is the one and only God that truly cares for his people.

NPC:It's no use arguing with a fanatic, Eltere.

NPC:/excuse Call me fanatic all you want, I know what's just and good and I serve my God without question, and all these people here can also see the truth.

NPC:/best Under his guidance, when he reclaims his throne in Epherium, we will all live prosperous lives, and all you heretics will be left to die in this hell hole!

NPC:/kneel Commander, an urgent message!

NPC:What now?!

NPC:/dialogue Our men spotted Royal Guards marching towards the port.

NPC:/excuse What?! Abort the shipment at once! Abort...


Report to the Object