Quests> A History Lesson

ID: 9461
Hereafter Rebellion
A History Lesson
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "A New Friend?"


NPC:/dialogue Alright I give up... you can go with us, but you do what we say and stop drawing so much attention, got it?

NPC:/surprise So there's a shy side to you as well. You are both beautiful and fascinating!

NPC:/excuse What about the cookies? Are we going to stop at your friend Sabina's for that next?

NPC:/sad I think it would be a real bummer if we'd miss that!

NPC:/prayer Well we could have, if we didn't come up here instead. We really must be going now.

NPC:I agree, let's get moving. How about a little story on the way, Isan?

NPC:/dialogue Uhm, sure... a long time ago... some ancestors settled on these mysterious lands, and united all people in a city called City of Towers. They called it the heart of the Harani Empire.

NPC:/clap I can't tell if you're telling us a story or giving us a history lesson.

NPC:/excuse I guess it's more of a history lesson than story. I'm not good at story telling. Anyway, the empire prospered under the rule of Empress Pavitra, and her father, Sir Ismil, was the ruler of the city.

NPC:/prayer Sir Imil's general, Sir Nadir, eventually took over and was named commander of West Ishvara... and they lived happily ever after?

NPC:/clap I'm confused what parts of this were just a story and what parts are the actual history of this place, but either way, I'm entertained. And here you silly people tried to tell me you don't know much about this place!

NPC:/scratch Oh, I guess, we were just being humble and there's so much we don't know.

NPC:/frustrated Ok, history lesson is over. Let's go make our first delivery now, we've wasted enough time as is.

NPC:/enrage Nice going, Isan...

NPC:/surprise Where are we headed to? Are we going to the market now?

NPC:/excuse Perhaps we can grab a snack of some sort while we're there. I am getting rather hungry.

NPC:/waving What other food is the City of Towers famous for? Do they offer vegetarian options?

NPC:/no I am starting to get hungry too, perhaps we should go grab some snacks.

NPC:/enrage That's enough out of your mouths! We're delivering to my friend Orphe's spa.

NPC:/dialogue He ordered these special Tigerspine Tigerspaw Pancakes for his customers, and we're running late!


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage summary:

Talk to Orphe in his spa, in the City of Towers.


NPC:Good to see you again Eltere, it's been a while. And who are your friends?

NPC:/gloomy Isan, @PC_NAME(0) and Petol... well Petol we actually just met and he decided to tag along. It's a long story.

NPC:/dialogue It's nice to meet you, @PC_NAME(0). Your two other companions already went upstairs for a skin treatment. What would you like to get done today?

NPC:/foldedarms We were actually hoping to have a quick chat with you... in private, so keep your voices down.

NPC:Oh man, I'm excited! A little relaxation is just the thing I need.

NPC:I agree. Hey, Isan? I feel like I can trust you... can I tell you a secret?

NPC:I actually have been in this city before... or so I'm told. I was in an accident not too long ago and lost my memories.

NPC:/dialogue Oh that sounds horrible. Poor thing...


Report to the Object