Quests> Rujin's Test

ID: 9454
Hereafter Rebellion
Rujin's Test
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "The Fate of Hasla"


NPC:/dialogue I may have been absent for a long time and might be out of touch with the current issues at hand.

NPC:/prayer But this is something even I know the right answer to. The Firran and Haranis have lived here together as long as I can remember.

NPC:/point I don't know what makes you think these lands belong to the Harani, because both races have lived here together from the beginning.

NPC:Where is all that confidence coming from all of a sudden? When we talked to your father about this, you were stuttering and confused.

NPC:/sigh You caught me off guard with your sudden idea of further dividing the two races. To be honest, for a moment there, you sounded just like Lord Asaji.

NPC:/thank Your claim that the Firrans were invaders was also something I had never heard before, so at that moment, I wasn't able to tell the truth from a lie.

NPC:I suggested this course of action, because that very belief is what currently has both sides fighting.

NPC:/sigh If it isn't the truth, then how come your people support this idea?

NPC:/scratch Not all of my people believe this, only the Harani that Lord Asaji must have corrupted to start this feud. They must have spread this false truth for him to have a reason to push the Firrans out of Hasla.

NPC:/enrage You seem to suddenly have it all figured out, don't you?

NPC:/haha Tell me, Crown Prince, where did you find all those answers to your questions?

NPC:/surprise I took some time to read through the history of our land, recorded in the royal library, I talked to some people on both sides of this and finally I consulted with close friends of mine on this matter.

NPC:/dumbfounded Close friends of yours? So your friends planted this idea in your head, then?

NPC:/scratch No they didn't. I already had my mind made up when I spoke to them, but wanted to see if they share my point of view.

NPC:/sigh Is that so? Come to think of it, your friend here has been advising you this entire time, didn't they?

NPC:/dialogue I will only believe that you can decide on your own, if you can prove your mind to me in a private conversation, Crown Prince.

NPC:/back If you wouldn't mind giving us some space, @PC_NAME(0). This will only take a moment, so why don't you enjoy the beauty around us for a while.

NPC:/shh Careful though, I trapped some of the area, to make sure noone would interrupt us.


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Look around and enjoy the nature at the Jadegale Ravine in Hasla.


NPC:/fury Thank the Gods you were here, @PC_NAME(0).

NPC:/surprise Who put this trap down here?!


NPC:/sigh Is that the guy, that put all those stupid ideas into Isan's head?!

NPC:/point I have a few things to say to him... follow me!


Interact with the Object

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Talk to Rujin at the Jadegale Ravine in Hasla.


NPC:/clap You are back and you brought a friend of yours? Don't tell me you were eavesdropping, my pretty Firran girl, that would be very rude.

NPC:/foldedarms I am NOT your Firran girl and yes I was listening in, to make sure you're not putting more stupid ideas into Isan's head.

NPC:/dialogue Eltere, what are you doing here? And please... this is the great General Rujin, don't address him with such disrespect.

NPC:/surprise There's no need Isan, I am quite taken by your fiery companion. And she is right, I was filling your head with inappropriate ideas.

NPC:/scratch Wait, you did? So this... was all just a test?

NPC:/best Call it a test if you want. I was hoping you would react to my suggestion responsibly and do whatever is needed to come to a right conclusion.

NPC:/threaten Sneaky... and stop being such a creep, I'm not into dead people.

NPC:/dialogue What about my father, Rujin? He didn't disagree with what you said at the pavilion. Please tell me he was in on this as well... I couldn't bare it, if he actually sided with Lord Asaji's idea.

NPC:/surprise ...

NPC:/haha No need to worry, I instructed King Jian not to interefere, so you are allowed to grow on your own.

NPC:/clap He was sceptical at best, but this should also prove to him, that you will be a fine ruler and know how to make the right decision.

NPC:/sigh I'm relieved to know that both you and my father were in on this, and that I didn't fail you.

NPC:Listen to me, Crown Prince.

NPC:/thank Yes, General Rujin?

NPC:/dialogue You have done everything right to come to your final conclusion: You extended your knowledge on the topic, heard out both sides of the conflict and consulted with advisors.

NPC:/prayer I couldn't make a decision without knowing all the facts...



Report to the Object