Quests> A Test of Wisdom

ID: 9262
8. A Test of Wisdom
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 65

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "The Gate of Wisdom"


NPC:You, who walk with the Strength and Patience of the Ancient. Did you come here to face my trial as well?

NPC:Very well, listen carefully. This is my test:

NPC:In the beginning, the world was consumed in chaos. But the power of time brought peace, which pushed back the forces of chaos, until the world was balanced again.

NPC:There is much knowledge to be discovered in these lands and a lingering threat is closer than you know. Here is the knowledge I seek of you:

NPC:What token can wield the Power of Time?


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Defeat Dread Priest Ledanos to find the token that can wield the "Power of Time".


Collect item

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Return to the Gatekeeper of Wisdom and present the Hourglass Key.


NPC:An Hourglass Key. This is your answer?

NPC:You chose wisely. Peace and chaos sit opposite on the scale of life, and time is the power balancing it carefully. Peace symbolizes creation, while chaos symbolizes destruction. Both are needed for this world to exist, but interfere with its fine balance and the outcome will be devastating.

NPC:This key you brought is intended to grant the bearer access to time and allows them to change the balance. A change that will clash creation and destruction in unnatural amounts, until one or the other seizes to exist.

NPC:You have passed my trial and I shall reward you with the Wisdom of the Ancient.


Report to the Object