Quests> The Rudai Family

ID: 9258
5. The Rudai Family
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 65

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "A Secret Meeting"


NPC:I must apologize for the secrecy, @PC_NAME(0), but it is important that the Legion doesn't get wind of our meeting. I am a Nui's Shield Investigator and a spy for the Crimson Watch, and I infiltrated the ranks of the Abyssal Legion pretending to be one of their followers.

NPC:You might have heard of my family, the Rudai Family. Though we are members of the Crimson Watch, only very few people know of our allegiance with the Watch.

NPC:We disguise ourselves as Aust Followers to gain access to the Abyssal Legion and with the exception of some of the high ranking membes of the Watch, everyone is left to believe we fight for Kyrios.

NPC:The Hiram can't be blamed for distrusting me, @PC_NAME(0), but I'm sure that based off my recent attempts in aiding you, you know where my true loyalties lie.

NPC:Anyways, I brought you this Haradium Antidote Recipe and some Haradium Antidote for your poisoned scouts. The antidote will cure them and they'll be back to normal in no time!

NPC:Oh is that the time already? I've been gone from my post for too long. I have to leave now. See you again soon, friend!


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Cure the Poisoned Meadows Scouts with the Haradium Antidote, at the Meadows Camp.


Interact with the Object

Stage summary:

Talk to the cured Meadows Scout.


NPC:/cough What was that drink you gave me? I feel much better already. You used Haradium Antidote to cure my poisoning and have a recipe for it too?

NPC:Many of us here in the Meadows have fallen victim to the poision, but this Haradium Antidote Recipe will save us! I will craft more of it right away.


Report to the Object