Quests> Neverending Disaster

ID: 9195
8. Neverending Disaster
Requires precompleted quest:

Quest level: 62



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Just the Beginning"


NPC:/dialogue We hoped that this would be the end of the evil, the prophecy told us about, and though your efforts changed the tide in our favor in this area, it is not over yet.

NPC:We studied the scriptures and exhausted all our knowledge in the pursuit of finding you an ever stronger power than Nubira's Dagger. We found that the only thing that could work, is if you possesed the powers Ramaha had in the past.

NPC:To search for them you must go on a dangerous journey, past the Mountain Gate, and far to the east.

NPC:None of us have ever been this far east. Between the dangers on the road and the ruthless weather, we would not have been able to make the journey without taking too large a risk.

NPC:But now we have no choice in the matter, so we already sent out an advance party, to secure the road for you. Let the Guard Captain know when you're ready for the journey as well.


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Talk to Guard Captain Andega at the lookout on the 2nd floor of the Hiram Cave.


NPC:It's good to see you're awake and strong again. The journey east won't be easy, and there is no hope of making it without the help of an Owlina. /handover We trained this one for you, please take good care of her. She will keep you warm when you cross the snowy mountains.

NPC:Owlinas have a natural resistance to the cold weather, and the warmth of their bodies is strong enough to keep their riders warm. At least for a while. Perhaps you should spend some time with her before we leave though. I will let you know when it's time to go.


Report to the Object