Quests> The Shadow of Disaster

ID: 9193
4. The Shadow of Disaster
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 62



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "The Holy Soldiers"


NPC:/happy The power of Nubira's Dagger runs through you, I can feel it! /relief Now let's complete the prophecy and banish the evil from these lands.

NPC:/nervous Alcos, I apologize for interrupting, but the Abyssal Legion has reached the Mountain Gate!

NPC:/surprise What? We mustn't allow the Legion to go any further! Hurry now, run upstairs to the lookout and talk to Priest Dias.


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Find Priest Dias at the lookout on the 2nd floor of the Hiram Cave.


NPC:/bow So it is true, Chosen One. Please accept my apologies, /dialogue you were selected by the Mother and I should not have doubted you. From now on, you shall have my full support.

NPC:/pray I trust you have been told about the importance of Nubira's Dagger and what lies beyond the Mountain Gate? /beg Good, then brace yourself.

NPC:/point This owl arrived with troubling news from the Mountain Gate. Please let me show you what it saw.


Report to the Object