Quests> Defense Operation Support

ID: 9120
Hero Missions
Defense Operation Support

Quest level: 55





Accept quest from UI
Accept quest from UI

Stage requirements:

Raid General

Raid Commander

Stage summary:

Lead a raid and kill a Tower Defense World Boss.
The amount of points earned depends on the grade of the boss, and can be earned up to 100.

Advanced Defense Operation (5pts)
- Jakar
- Abyssal Kraken

Defense Operation (2 Point)
- Hound of Kyrios
- Nightmare Blade, Nightmare Bowstring

Lusca Awakening (3 pts)
- Complete the quest "Lusca Awakening"

Completion Requirement:
- Raid General, Raid Commander, or Co-Raid Admiral
- The hero's raid must defeat the boss.


Stage requirements:

Raid General

Raid Commander

Stage summary:

Lead a raid and kill a Tower Defense World Boss.
The amount of points earned depends on the grade of the boss, and can be earned up to 100.

Advanced Defense Operation (5pts)
- Jakar
- Abyssal Kraken

Defense Operation (2 Point)
- Hound of Kyrios
- Nightmare Blade, Nightmare Bowstring

Lusca Awakening (3 pts)
- Complete the quest "Lusca Awakening"

Completion Requirement:
- Raid General, Raid Commander, or Co-Raid Admiral
- The hero's raid must defeat the boss.


Stage requirements:

Raid General

Raid Commander

Stage summary:

Lead a raid and kill a Tower Defense World Boss. The amount of points earned depends on the grade of the boss, and can be earned up to 100.

Advanced Defense Operation (5pts)
- Jakar
- Abyssal Kraken

Defense Operation (2 Point)
- Hound of Kyrios
- Nightmare Blade, Nightmare Bowstring

Lusca Awakening (3 pts)
- Complete the quest "Lusca Awakening"

Completion Requirement:
- Raid General, Raid Commander, or Co-Raid Admiral
- The hero's raid must defeat the boss.


Complete Quest


300 leadership