Quests> Becoming a Pirate

ID: 9098
Growlgate Isle
Becoming a Pirate
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Min level 0

Not a member of "Pirate" faction

Don’t have the item "Letters of Recommendation"

Must not be under the effect of "Pirate Deserter"


You:The Pirate faction is recruiting new members.
If you're interested in joining, visit Captain Kieran on Growlgate Isle.

Can't complete the quest if you are a faction hero, or the pirate faction is at capacity.


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage summary:

Talk to Captain Kieran, a legend among outlaws, to learn about your prospects on joining the Pirate faction.
Captain Kieran can be found on Growlgate Isle, in the Stormraw Sound.


NPC:/talk Who are ye and what are ye doin' here? Are ye lost?

NPC:Ye want to be a pirate? Haha, ye think we just hand out pirate badges to crabs and crayfish like yerself and that's it?! If ye want to join me crew, ye gona have to prove yer worth to us first.

NPC:/talk Me crew is dispatched handlin' business on the mainland. Go introduce yerself, lend them a hand. If they be thinkin' yer a good addition, they be lettin' me know.

NPC:/salute Off ye go now and don't be gettin' eaten by the sharks, little crayfish.

You:If the pirate faction is full, the final quest to become a pirate cannot be completed.
Once you join the pirate faction, you cannot leave it again for 3 days.


Talk to NPC

Stage summary:

Find Tabson on the Marooned Isle in Ynystere and seek work to prove yourself to the Pirate faction.


NPC:/talk What ye doing up here? Captain Kieran sent ye? Aye, ye must be another one tryna join us.


Report to NPC