Quests> Good deal

ID: 9000445
[Event] The Merchants Day
Good deal

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 52 - unlimited




NPC:Hello! Aren’t you by any chance coming from Philao?

NPC:Oh, no, well, that’s good to know. I owed him a large sum of money... You see, I am a merchant and a very successful merchant. I just have a black stripe now...

NPC:I invested all my savings in a huge batch of Onyx Archeum Essence from the Harani mines, having previously agreed with a big customer about the supply.

NPC:But, on the way here, my entire fleet sank, hitting a violent storm. And now, all my Onyx Archeum Essence and my comfortable life rests on the bottom of the sea...

NPC:Now, Philao requires me to return a prepayment for Onyx Archeum Essence, which is a big sum of money...

NPC:But I also have plans! No wonder I am a merchant from God! I came up with the perfect scheme, how to leave him with nothing!

NPC:I just need to reduce the value of Onyx Archeum Essence, then the amount that Philao demands from me will reduce by ten times!

NPC:I will not go into details, I need you to hand over the goods in exchange for Onyx Archeum Essence and that’s all! All the Onyx Archeum Essence is yours, and I will also reward you for each batch of goods!

You:Remember, I leave this place right at midnight, if you are not in time to report me about the delivered goods – I will not pay you!


Stage summary:

Complete every "The Merchants Day" quest.


Complete Quest

Stage summary:

Complete every "The Merchants Day" quest.


Complete Quest

Stage summary:

Complete every "The Merchants Day" quest.


Complete Quest


Honor points
500 honor points
Vocation Badges
500 vocation badges