Quests> Old Kingdom Coins LvL. 1

ID: 9000106
[Event] The Merchants Day
Old Kingdom Coins LvL. 1

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 52 - unlimited




NPC:Hello, lad! What brought you here?

NPC:Not a lad, you say? Ha-ha, young people are so brisk now. Do you want a story? Why not, then listen!

NPC:Once upon a time, at the time of Gilda, I was a wealthy merchant. I had everything. Wines, dishes, women, estates, whatever the heart desires. But saying the truth, I did not get rich in completely honest ways...

NPC:In my youth I joined a trade guild, but I stole a little bit... And then more and more, was hard to stop!

NPC:In general, I stole a lot... But those days we had very strict rules, not like the current laws! But I was not that simple as well, I was young and ardent. I was good in hiding, good luck finding me!

NPC:The guild hired a skillful witch, and she then found me... And she cursed me.

NPC:She said that until people gather as many coins as I had at that time, I would not go away and I would always wander in the form of a ghost.

NPC:Since then, long time passed, I have already exceeded two thousand years, but I still can’t get rid of the curse. I am so tired...

NPC:Listen, can you help me? I doubt you won’t be happy to earn extra coin! You just need to pass the packs in exchange for the Gilda Stars! I’ll reward you Well, so, deal?

You:Remember, I leave this place at midnight, if you are not in time to report me about the delivered goods – I will not pay you!


Stage summary:

You have failed the quest, "Old Kingdom Coins LvL. 1"



NPC:Already done? You're faster than the wind! In my time, the youngsters were slow and lazy! Perhaps that is why Gildas fell?…

NPC:Oh, what am I about, I completely forgot about the reward! Here you go, lad, great job!



Vocation Badges
3000 vocation badges
Guild EXP
10 guild exp