Quests> Bad news

ID: 9000055
Titan's Event
Bad news
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Dangerous opposer"


NPC:Adventurer, wait! I need to tell you something more. Among the rows of these ice monsters there are very dangerous ones. All the ancient heroes who had tried to seal and fight the ancient Titan and lost their fight are now under his possesion.

NPC:You already know what happened to Arkan, but he was not the only hero trying to fight. Go to Freedich Island and talk to Mudskipper Captain Rumi, he knows alot about other warriors who have tried to fight and lost.


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Talk to Captain Rumi on Freedich Island


NPC:I think I have already seen you somewhere... I can’t recall where... And what happened yesterday? ... Hmm, but oh well.

NPC:Horrible things... have you already heard the story about our glorious heroes who have vanished and got trapped while trying to seal the ancient titan? But the ancient titan is not the only enemy we have... I should warn you about the witch... Her power... it's incredible, you need to know some things about her before you can fight.

NPC:Iola. Even before the beginning of time, when the magic was not a thing open for everyone... this woman had secretly learned about it. Then one time, there was a rumor about a dangerous monster roaming arround which was disrupting everyones peace.

NPC:The woman had decided to study and practice magic more actively to become stronger and more skillfully to protect the people... one day, she was walking through the forest and found a weird cave that was sealed with alot of magical runes.

NPC:Curious as she was, she lifted the seals and went inside the cave, she had enough power to do so. Inside the cave it was like a paradise for her, there were alot of scrolls with very ancient and forbidden spells, she did not hesistate once to learn them all.

NPC:After she finally learned everything she decided to find the monster that was keeping the world in danger, disrupting everyones peace. She kept wandering, searching through the continent until she finally managed to find the cave of this dangerous creature. But... she did not expect him to be this strong. She could not fight him... she could not withstand him.

NPC:As she came closer to him, she began hearing voices inside her head. The voices became louder while she tried to resist them... but she had no chance. The voices were too loud, so she fell... into the hands of the ancient titan.

NPC:Many years have passed, and by now there was absolutely no way of saving her, since over the years these voices must have fully consumed her. But if she manages to break into our world... with her power and strength... it will be a disaster! We must do all we can and give all of our strength into sealing and imprisoning her again. We cannot let them get free!
