Quests> New threat!

ID: 9000052
Titan's Event
New threat!
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "A letter to hero"


NPC:Greetings, adventurer! I'm very sorry to interrupt you from your journey and ask you for help when possibly you have other things to take care of! But besides you... I have noone to contact for help and my letter is about a very important case, please believe me.

NPC:Please go to the Diamond Shore as soon you can and meet Belstrom he will be able to tell you everything you need to know in a much better detail than this letter can. Please hurry up, the faster you arrive at us the faster we will be able to figure out what happened with our expedition in Airan Rock.


Use item to accept quest

Stage summary:

Talk to Belstrom in the Diamond Shores


NPC:I think I have already seen you somewhere... I can’t recall where... And what happened yesterday? ... Hmm, but oh well.

NPC:Bless the gods, you arrived! A few days ago we have lost one of our expeditions which was led by our dear dwarf Ragula. They were exploring the icey and dark caves in Airan Rock,

NPC:but while they were doing so they noticed some strange and suspicious activities inside the ice in the mountains and glaciers. We do not have anyone experienced that currently is available to help us... this is why we kindly ask for your help.
