Quests> Using Territokens

ID: 8246
Auroria Territories
Using Territokens

Quest level: 50

Basic requirements:

Level 50 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Your faction must own a territory

Have the item "Territoken"


NPC:/question Now that you've got a Territoken, you can use it at our farms to earn Lord's Coins and help the territory prosper. Here, the director can explain.

NPC:/startle Oh! I'm terribly sorry, I should've given you the details.

NPC:/dialogue Territokens are accepted at our local farms as proof that you have a work permit. Whenever a farm needs a task done, they offer it to the first worker that comes along with a Territoken.

NPC:/question The farms, in turn, reward you with Lord's Coins for completing their tasks. These coins are quite valuable, and can either be spent at Territory Markets to craft exotic items, or sold directly to the ruling guilds for gold.

NPC:/talk The more people working on a territory, the more farms it can support. And the more farms it supports, the more Lord's Coins everyone makes! It's a nifty little system, don't you think? Go ahead; find a farm and see for yourself!


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage summary:

Use Territokens to purchase materials from Territory Farms, which you can use to earn Lord's Coins. You must have a work permit for the local territory to use its Territory Farms.