Quests> The Lost Tribe, Part 4

ID: 6618
Crimson Watch
The Lost Tribe, Part 4
Requires precompleted quest:

Quest level: 52

Basic requirements:

Level 51 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "The Lost Tribe, Part 3"


NPC:/dialogue Hello there! You're the new recruit, aren't you?

NPC:/scratch Although I suppose I shouldn't call you that anymore, should I? You're a full member of the Crimson Watch now!

NPC:/sigh I never completed my training, myself. I came to Auroria for reasons of my own, and sort of got wrapped up in this whole Crimson Watch thing against my will.

NPC:/dialogue I should have left weeks ago. But I keep thinking, if I can just find the power I need...

NPC:/contend You see, the love of my life is waiting for me back in Villanelle right now. But she's under a... rather unique curse. I came here searching for the power to lift it, but so far I've failed miserably.

NPC:/dialogue I have managed to pick up a few rumors, though.

NPC:/fact I know a group of death-worshippers called the Bloodhands has been investigating the Serpentis ruins, and that they somehow activated a whole mess of ancient magic.

NPC:/argue And it's not just magic, either. Strange creatures have emerged from those tunnels, and even stranger people. A whole tribe of pink-skinned warriors showed up a few nights ago just up the coast.

NPC:/contend Those warriors are the only reason I'm still here. One of the other watchmen swore he saw them carrying an object of great power. A carved stone with the power to raise the dead!

NPC:/talk If I could get my hands on it, maybe I could use its power to cure my beloved. But I'm afraid I don't have the strength to recover the stone by myself.

NPC:/dialogue Will you help me defeat the Lost Tribe warriors, and find the Ravenstone?


Accept quest from UI

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Kill the Lost Tribe Deserters in Exeloch to find the Cursed Ravenstone.



Stage summary:

Deliver the Ravenstone to Apprentice Rudal in Exeloch.


NPC:/dialogue So this is the Ravenstone! Hmm... These markings are very similar to a seal I once found at the bottom of Soundless Lake. But that was thousands of years old! I wonder how long these strange warriors have been locked away from our world?

NPC:/worry Bah, but my adventuring days are over. As soon as I can find a way to activate this stone's power, I will return to Haranya and lift the curse from my beloved. Thank you, friend. You've done more for me than you know.



27070 exp