Quests> Serpentine Investigation

ID: 6066
Commemorative Event
Serpentine Investigation

Quest level: 50

Basic requirements:

Level 50 - unlimited




NPC:/fact Strange worldgates have appeared in the middle of the city. The citizens are terrified--the worldgate is linked to Serpentis and the Sea of Drowned Love.

NPC:/conclude They're all convinced horrible monsters are going to start pouring through the gates at any instant... and I can't blame them. The air feels heavy, oddly still. Like before a storm...

NPC:/worry That's absurd. Only intelligent creatures can use worldgates. Mindless monsters can't. It's a basic rule of magic. The citizens need to get over it.

NPC:/sigh The rules of magic could change at any time--it's magic! Maybe an evil force created these worldgates. Maybe an invasion is brewing. We need answers.

NPC:/dialogue I've already sent someone to investivate, but he could use some help. @PC_NAME(0), rally some allies and meet Jehsen in Serpentis.



Stage summary:

Talk to Jehsen in Serpentis.


NPC:/cough Sirothe got me. I'll live, but I'm in no shape to finish this investigation. I need you to take my place. I can give you some equipment to help.

NPC:/suffer I've lost a lot of blood; I may have a concussion. Things are getting so fuzzy...