Quests> General Markellus

ID: 605
Two Crowns
General Markellus
Requires precompleted quest:

Quest level: 28

Basic requirements:

Level 24 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Saved from the Sewers"

Faction "Nuia Alliance"


NPC:/foldedarms Hey, where do you think you're going? Oh no, you don't get off that easily. You may have convinced me to spare this serf, but you still owe an explanation to his intended owner.

NPC:/command You see, General Markellus himself asked me to send him any serfs I could spare. If you want to guarantee Teo's safety, you'll need to go inform Markellus of the situation. And trust me, he's going to want a favor in return.

NPC:/talk I was supposed to meet General Markellus outside the Archeology Academy, in Ezna. Find him there, and let him know the change of plans. That is, unless you'd rather I sell my serf after all?


Accept quest from NPC

Stage requirements:

Member of "Nuia Alliance" faction

Stage summary:

Go to General Markellus outside the Archeology Academy in Ezna


NPC:/excuse What? Selatus is backing out of our deal? Why that slimy little... Bah, it's probably just as well. We're losing serfs faster than we can buy them down in those sewers.

NPC:/disagree Well if you've come to make up for Selatus's mistake, you've come at the right time. I could use a capable fighter right about now, and you look like you fit the bill.


Report to NPC