Quests> The Blue Salt Brotherhood

ID: 5146
Blue Salt Brotherhood
The Blue Salt Brotherhood
Requires precompleted quest:

Quest level: 6

Basic requirements:

Level 3 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "King of Blackreath Keep"


NPC:/conclude Have you heard of the Blue Salt Brotherhood? They're an organization of craftsmen, merchants, and traders that all work together to encourage peaceful trade between the various towns, kingdoms, and continents.

NPC:/dialogue I hear a Merchant Recruiter in Lilyut Hills is currently giving lessons on proper farming and crafting techniques. You should check it out! Could be some good things to know, if you ever intend to own your own land.


Stage summary:

Talk to the Blue Salt Brotherhood Merchant Recruiter in Lilyut Hills.


NPC:/dialogue Another new member, eager for lessons! Welcome, friend. Welcome to the Blue Salt Brotherhood.