Quests> Planting Potatoes

ID: 4417
Blue Salt Brotherhood
Planting Potatoes
Requires precompleted quest:

Quest level: 7



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Caring for Corn"


NPC:/foldedarms Are you ready to plant your first crop? Why don't we start with a simple crop that grows quickly, like a Potato?

NPC:/conclude Planting is simple at its heart. Find the seeds, plant them, water them to help them grow, and harvest them at the proper time.

NPC:/dialogue Seeds can be found from plants, or purchased from a Seed and Sapling Merchant. In this case, it'll be easiest to just buy some Potato Eyes from the nearby Seed and Sapling Merchant to get started.

NPC:/command You can plant on any flat patch of land. But be warned: if you plant in the wild, thieves can take it for themselves. /talk The safest way to farm is in a public farming area, like this, or in a garden that you own.

NPC:/dither Try using this |nb;Public Farm|r. In here I will protect your crops for three days, free of charge. But after that, they're free game for scavengers.

NPC:/talk Most crops can easily be planted and harvested in a day, especially if you |nb;Water|r them to speed up their growth. Try planting some Potatoes, and see for yourself.

NPC:/excuse When you finish planting, come talk to me again while you wait to harvest.

You:|nb;Step 1:|r Purchase Potato Eyes from the Seed and Sapling Merchant in the public farm.

You:|nb;Step 2:|r Right-click on the Potato Eyes in your bag, then move the mouse to the chosen area and Left-click to plant. A red circle means you cannot plant there.

You:|nb;Step 3:|r Water your plant to help it grow. Approach a young plant and click the Water icon, or press F to water it.

You:|nb;Step 4:|r To view a plant's status and how long until it can be harvested, move the mouse cursor over it.

You:|nb;Step 5:|r Once a plant has matured, approach it and click the Harvest icon, or press F. The yield of each plant will vary, and occasionally you'll find a rare seed or crop while harvesting.



Stage summary:

Purchase Potato Eyes from a Seed and Sapling Merchant and plant them in the public farm.

Plants can be grown almost anywhere. However they aren't protected in the wild, where anyone can steal them. Even when planted on a public farm, they can be stolen after three days have passed.

Not every plant can be grown on every farm. Check the board at the entrance of the farm to view the list of allowed plants.



Stage summary:

Return to the Blue Salt Brotherhood Merchant Recruiter when finished.


NPC:/clap Not bad! We'll give you a green thumb yet.

NPC:/handover Here, take some produce as a reward for completing your first lesson.

