Quests> Naga Invaders

ID: 4343
Karkasse Ridgelands
Naga Invaders
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 48

Can be partially completed

Basic requirements:

Level 44 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "The Brownscale Wyrmkin"


NPC:/dialogue Peace, @PC_RACE(0). Do not attack us. You see, we are not all like the Redscales.

NPC:/dialogue There was a time, long ago, when my kind were slaves to the Dragons. They gave us land, and great power, but at even greater cost. Those who served the Dragons became puppets in the war against the Nuons.

NPC:/talk When the last of the Dragons vanished, our people fell into a deep sleep. Now one has returned, and the Wyrmkin begin to awaken. But this time, some of us refuse to serve.

NPC:/dialogue As long as we do not drink from the Bone Pool, our minds remain free... but our bodies remain weak. And now the Naga sense that weakness, and attack our peaceful village.

NPC:/dialogue We do not want the Dragon's strength. But without it, the Naga will kill us all. We are running out of time. Will you defeat the Naga and smash their eggs? Will you save us from the madness of the Bone Pool?


Accept quest from NPC

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Destroy Naga EggS or kill Naga, south of Brownscale Wyrmkin Camp.


Hunt monster

Stage map markers:


Interact with the Object

Stage summary:

Return to Brownscale Wyrmkin Gaffnak when finished.


NPC:/dialogue Thank you. With your help, we will remain free of the Dragon's power.
