Quests> The Bloodhead Chest

ID: 3116
The Bloodhead Chest

Quest level: 36

Basic requirements:

Level 32 - unlimited




NPC:/angry Rho here claims the Bloodhead Orcs stole the shipment of powder he was supposed to deliver. But me, I think he sold it off himself.

NPC:/excuse Now to his credit, I did see a chest inside the Orc camp that looks like it could've contained our missing shipment. But I'm not exactly incentivized to go riskin' my neck to find out, if you know what I mean.

NPC:/scratch Me, I'd rather blame the whole thing on ol' Rho and call it a day. But if by some freak chance he happens to be telling the truth, and the Orcs really are stealing our product... well, that'd be good to know too.

NPC:/fact So here's the deal. Either I can kill poor Rho here and we can all go home, or you can sneak into the Orc camp and bring back the contents of that mysterious Bloodhead Chest. Either one's fine with me. But friend... make it fast, yeah?


Accept quest from NPC

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Find the Bloodhead Chest in the Bloodhead Dens.



Stage summary:

Deliver the Traveler's Documents to Militiaman Uno outside the Bloodhead Dens.


NPC:/take So, risked your life to save ol' Rho, huh? Not gonna get very far with that attitude! Ah well, what's done is done. What'd you find?

NPC:/angry Well I'll be damned... these are maps of our supply routes! Looks like you might've been telling the truth after all, Rho.


Report to NPC