Quests> The Undercover Captain

ID: 2430
Two Crowns
The Undercover Captain
Requires precompleted quest:

Quest level: 27

Basic requirements:

Level 23 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Faction "Nuia Alliance"

Completed the quest "An Unexpected Ally"


NPC:/excuse I'm sorry about before. Even when I sent you to those mines, I wasn't sure I could trust you. After all, you seemed happy enough to work for that bastard Oliviano. All I had was a hunch, and a prayer that you'd do the right thing.

NPC:/conclude I still can't believe Oliviano would betray his own people like that. To earn his freedom, and then blindly continue the practice of indentured servitude... And for what? The approval of a few rich snobs in Ezna? It's disgusting.

NPC:/fact Anyway, I think we've waited long enough. If I'm going to keep my cover here, I need you to deliver news of the mine uprising to Patrol Captain Nerius, at the Ezna Road Checkpoint. They mustn't have any reason to doubt my loyalty.


Accept quest from NPC

Stage requirements:

Member of "Nuia Alliance" faction

Stage summary:

Talk to Patrol Captain Nerius at the Ezna Road Checkpoint.


NPC:/surprise What? The mine at Sundowne has been attacked?!

NPC:/angry Damn! These rebels are getting bolder every day. Thank you for the warning, friend. I'll send Captain Tesar some more men as soon as I am able.
